Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Service

Welcome to the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Service. This page contains all the information you will need for all your licensing requirements – driver, vehicle and operator licensing.

Should you wish to contact us, please see the “Contact Us” section on this webpage. Our knowledgeable and friendly team will be happy to assist you with any questions or queries you may have. You can also contact us via our online contact form.

Shearbridge Depot access

Access to the depot is still restricted unless you have been asked to attend due to very exceptional circumstances such as testing a vehicle or a pre-arranged appointment.

Tell us about

Use the following links to tell us about changes that may have occurred since your licence was issued. 

Information for hackney carriage (HC) and private hire (PH) drivers

Information for hackney carriage (HC) and private hire (PH) vehicles

Information for private hire (PH) operators

Disability awareness

Clean Air Zone information

Hackney carriage information

HCPH conditions

Peer review

Frequently asked questions

Minutes of operator and representative meetings

Association contact details

Contact details

Hackney carriages and private hire service
Shearbridge Depot
Shearbridge Road

Email : taxi.testing@bradford.gov.uk