Extra Care Housing

What is Extra Care Housing?

Extra care developments provide a focus for integrated working to meet housing, health and social care needs.  They comprise of self-contained homes with design features and support services available to enable self-care and to support people to live as independently as possible within their community.

  • Self-contained properties including bedroom(s), living room, kitchen and wet room
  • On-site care and support staff supporting individuals to retain and regain independence through assistance with providing personal care support and guidance
  • Emergency call system throughout the scheme with 24-hour support being available
  • Communal facilities and services such as restaurant, lounges, hair salon and barber, and landscaped gardens
  • Easily accessible via public transport routes

Varying levels of care and support needs can be provided following assessment and homes can be rented from housing associations. 

Who is Extra Care Housing for?

Extra Care living is designed for people of varying ages although usually 55 plus who require some additional assistance to look after themselves but not at the level provided by a residential care home.

People living in Extra Care apartments enjoy the security, freedom and independence of having their own front door, while having the reassurance that care staff are available if needed.

Extra Care Housing is designed to meet the care and support needs of people who may no longer be able to live independently within their present home and living environment. This is achievable in our Extra Care Schemes as they are designed to support and enable individuals within their own accommodation whilst receiving their assessed levels of support required.

Is there a charge for Extra Care Housing?

Charges or contributions towards Extra Care Housing will be dependent upon personal assessments.  Your social worker will be able to advise further, or you can contact the Independence Advice Hub on 01274 435400 or using the Independence Advice Hub online form.

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