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Licensing fees

Important note

Cheques or postal orders can no longer be accepted. 

Fees are not refundable once the processing of the application has commenced.

Miscellaneous Fees

  1. Sex Establishment Licences (Sex Shops and Sex Cinemas):
    Grant: £2006
    Renewal: £696
  2. Street Trading Consents - Commercial: 
    1. 1 Day - £102
    2. 1 Week (7 Days) - £479
  3. Scrap Metal Dealers licence 
    1. Site Licence – Grant/Renewal: £361
    2. Site Licence – Variation (Licence Type and Site Addition): £167
    3. Collectors Licence – Grant/Renewal: £208
    4. Collectors Licence – Variation (Licence Type): £239
    5. Variation - Change of details only: £26

Licences for which no charge is made

  1. Street Collection Permits
  2. Street Trading Consents – Charitable and Educational Promotions
  3. House to House Collection Permits
  4. Caravan Site Licences

Gambling Act 2005 Fee Schedule

Gambling Premises licence fees

Application type Existing Casino Bingo Club Betting Premises Tracks Family Entertainment Centres Adult Gaming Centres
New Premises Licence   £2854 £2445 £2038 £1630 £1630
Variation £1630 £1425 £1222 £1018 £816 £816
Transfer £1099 £978 £978 £774 £774 £978
Re-instatement £1099 £978 £978 £774 £774 £978
Provisional Statement Application   £2854 £2445 £2038 £1630 £1630
Provisional Statement - Premises Application   £978 £975 £774 £774 £975
Annual Fee £2422 £807 £565 £807 £604 £807
  • Copy licence - £15
  • Notification of Change of Circumstance - £26

Gaming Permits and Registrations: fees

Permit/Registration New Application Annual Maintenance Renewal  Fast-track Application (Where Club Premises Certificate held under LA2003) Transitional Application (Existing Operator)
FEC Gaming Machine £300 -   £300   -   £100  
Prize Gaming £300   -   £300   -   £100  
Small Society Lottery £40   £20   -   -   -  
Club Gaming £200   £50   £200 (Non Fast-Track Applications on expiry of Permit)   £100   -  
Club Machine £200 £50   £100 (Non Fast-Track Applications on expiry of Permit)   £100   -  

Alcohol Licensed Premises

Notification only – maximum 2 gaming machines £50

Alcohol Licensed Premises Gaming Machine Permit (3+ Machines)

  • Grant Application: £150
  • Conversion Application (Holders of an existing Section 34 permit under Gaming Act 1968): £100
  • Transfer: £25
  • Annual Maintenance Fee: £50

Gaming Permits and Registrations: Miscellaneous Fees

  • Change of Name: £25
  • Copy of Permit: £15
  • Variation (where applicable): £100

Temporary Use Notice

Temporary Use Notice: £380

Licensing Act 2003 Fee Schedule

Premises Licence / Club Premises Certificates

Rateable Value Band A B C D* E*
Application fee £100 £190 £315 £450 £635
Annual Charge (applicable the year after grant of licence) £70 £180 £295 £320 £350
Variation fee £100 £190 £315 £450 £635

In addition, a multiplier will be applied to premises within bands D and E, where they are exclusively or primarily in the business of selling alcohol.

  • Premises within band D – Fee shall be the application fee or annual charge x 2
  • Premises within band E – Fee shall be the application fee or annual charge x 3

Where the maximum number of persons the applicant proposes to allow on the premises whilst licensable activities take place is 5000 or more then the following additional fee shall apply:

Number in attendance at any one time Additional fee
Between 5,000 and 9,999 persons £1000
Between 10,000 and 14,999 persons £2000
Between 15,000 and 19,999 persons £4000

For larger events applicants should contact the Licensing Team for information about the relevant fee.

The rateable values that the fee bands are based on are as follows:

Rateable Value Band
No rateable value to £4,300 A
£4,301 to £33,000 B
£33,001 to £87,000 C
£87,001 to £125,000 D
£125,001 and above E

Personal Licences, Temporary Events and miscellaneous fees

  • Application for Provisional Statement: £315
  • Minor Variation of Premises Licence/Club Certificate: £89
  • Personal Licence: £37
  • Temporary Event Notice: £21
  • Copy of notice/licence/certificate or summary: £10.50
  • Notification of change of name or address: £10.50
  • Notification of change of details: £10.50
  • Variation to premises supervisor: £23
  • Transfer of Premises Licence: £23
  • Interim Authority: £23
  • Register freeholder interest: £21

Exemptions from fees

No fee is payable for a premises licence to authorise regulated entertainment only in educational institutions where the entertainment is for and on behalf of the educational institute.

No fee is payable for premises licences to authorise regulated entertainment only in church halls, village halls, parish halls, community halls or similar buildings.