Charitable Street Collections

  1. Applications must be made to the Licensing Service, Shearbridge Depot, Shearbridge Road, Bradford, BD7 1PU or email: following information must be given:
    1. The name and address of the organisation.
    2. The name, address and contact number of the person to whom the Permit is to be granted. This person will be regarded as solely responsible, ultimately for the submission of financial account within one month of the collection.
    3. The precise area(s) of the collection.
    4. The preferred date(s) of the collection.
    5. Organisations which have not held a collection within the Bradford District before must also give a brief account of their objectives.
    An application form is available from the licensing service. Applications should be submitted at least 14 days prior to the collection date.
  2. In general applications will be dealt with as received throughout the year ie on a "first come - first served" basis. Applications for the following year will be considered from 1 October in the previous year.  Organisations should submit applications for consideration well in advance of the dates required.  The Council will endeavour to satisfy the needs of organisations for specific dates required but where this is not possible, alternative dates will be offered.
    In the event of an enquiry or question as to available dates for collections, please telephone the licensing service on 01274 432240 or email:
  3. Subject to collections not clashing, each application will be dealt with on merit under the following guide lines:
    1. Two types of Permits are available as follows:
      1. for major collections organised throughout the whole of the City Centre or throughout the whole of any Town Centre in the Metropolitan District; and
      2. for minor collections organised in one small fixed location.
      Organisations wishing to take major collections of the type described in (i) above should note that only those organisations which are Registered Charities (ie Charities which are registered by the Charity Commissioners) will be allowed to obtain "major" collection Permits, unless there are special reasons.
      Any organisations may obtain a "minor" collection Permit, provided it can satisfy the Council that its objectives are charitable within the meaning of the Council's Street Collection Regulations and therefore eligible for the grant of such a Permit.
    2. Before allowing any collection, the Council must be satisfied that the organisation either:
      1. has a bona fide local branch in the Metropolitan District; or
      2. serves the needs of persons resident in the area of the collection
    3. The above conditions will also apply to, and include, collections undertaken in private, but publicly used, premises such as Kirkgate Centre and the Interchange in Bradford.
    4. Generally, collections will be restricted to Saturdays only with the exception of the Christmas period, when weekday collections will be allowed.  However, applications will be considered for Sundays and weekdays but will be judged on merit.
  4. Accounts for the collection must be received by the licensing service within one month of the collection. Failure to submit accounts by the due date without a satisfactory explanation could prejudice future applications.
  5. A street collect permit only authorises the collection of money or the sale of goods to raise money for charity. It is not a consent to use any publicly owned land or buildings etc, other than the pavements forming part of the highway.  In the event of collections on publicly owned land or in buildings owned by the Council and if any supporting event is to take place ie band music, singing, etc, whether on a pavement forming part of a highway or not, consent must also be obtained from the appropriate Council Officer. 
    Permission to use Car Parks owned by the Council must be obtained from Parking Services.  The use of the parks, playing fields or other recreational areas requires permission from the relevant parks manager. 
    If there is to be a procession of any kind this must have the sanction of the Chief Superintendent of the appropriate Police Division of the West Yorkshire Metropolitan Police, contact West Yorkshire Police, Licensing Section, Trafalgar House Police Station, Nelson Street, Bradford, BD5 0DX or telephone 01274 373848 or email 
    With regard to collections to be taken in the Bradford Kirkgate Centre or in the Transport Interchange, Bradford, the prior consent of the Managers of both these establishments must be first obtained and a copy of the letter of consent from the appropriate Manager should be enclosed with any application made.
    If you wish to book Centenary Square, please email the Events Officer
  6. A street collection permit may also cover sales of goods to benefit charitable purposes which take place in streets or other public places. If such sales are planned and are to take place from any type of stall, please note that there are separate rules governing these and additional guidance notes giving further information are available from the licensing service.
  7. "Car Boot" sales do not normally require a street collection permit because no goods are sold for charity. However, permission to hold them on public or privately owned land is required from the Council's Market Manager, telephone 01274 432245, before they may be lawfully held.  Guidance notes concerning car boot sales are available from the Markets Manager, on request.