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Ask for Angela

Hi I'm Angela. If you go to the bar and ask for Angela the bar staff will know you need some help getting out of your situation and will call you a taxi or help you out discreetly - without fuss.

West Yorkshire Police Licensing and Bradford Council’s Licensing Department have jointly adopted the "Ask for Angela" campaign which is designed to help reduce sexual abuse on nights out.

The idea is that anyone out on a date or on a night out who feels unsafe, vulnerable or threatened can discreetly seek help by approaching venue staff and asking them for 'Angela'.

This will indicate to staff that they need help a member of staff to support and assist.

It works by licensed premises pledging to take part in the scheme and displaying 'Ask for Angela' posters. This shows their staff know what to do if someone asks if they can speak with 'Angela'.

What happens if someone 'Asks for Angela' in your venue?

  • Take the person asking for help to a part of the venue not in sight of the potential threat - staff room, kitchen area, toilet.
  • Ask them what they want to do. They might just want to alert you to the situation, they might need someone to keep watch while they collect their possessions or they might want help leaving or calling a taxi.
  • Once the person asking for help is somewhere safe, request the person causing the distress to leave the venue.
  • Do not allow the person asking for help to leave the venue in sight of the person causing the distress, as this could lead to them being followed out of the venue and placed at higher risk.
  • If the person causing the distress becomes angry, consider calling the police for assistance or follow your corporate policy on this issue.

How can your venue get involved in the campaign?

  • Pledge to adopt the 'Ask For Angela' campaign in your venue.
  • Brief staff including security staff about the campaign, so they know what to do when someone 'Asks For Angela'.
  • Display the posters around your venue to show your support for the campaign.
  • Use your venue’s social media platforms to show that you’ve pledged to adopt the 'Ask For Angela' campaign. Use the hashtag #AskForAngela.

If you’ve any questions about the Ask Angela campaign please email
