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Fire risk assessment

If you are the owner or are responsible for the management of the following types of buildings:

  • Tower blocks and apartments 
  • Public buildings 
  • Licensed premises 
  • Leisure buildings 
  • Hospitals, GP practices and nursing homes 
  • Care homes and sheltered housing 
  • Commercial offices, retail and distribution

you are responsible for ensuring that a fire risk assessment of your property is carried out and must ensure that the person carrying out this task has the relevant knowledge and experience.

Currently, anyone can provide a Fire Risk Assessment. There is no requirement for specialist fire training or a surveyor’s knowledge of how buildings are designed to work.

Our team of Fire Risk Assessors are professionally qualified building control surveyors who fully understand the ‘fire strategy’ and the construction of the building. Their surveying background means that they are able to assess subsequent modifications to the structure and fabric and the impact these changes will have on the fire strategy.