Smoke free homes
Healthy living advice - smoking and COVID-19
Smoke free homes
Please do not smoke inside your home.
- Anyone, including children, exposed to second hand smoke is at increased risk.
- It is essential that parents or carers are advised not to smoke in the home
- Reach out for behavioural support and access to alternative nicotine products (including NRT or e-cigarettes).
Quitting smoking
The most effective ways to quit smoking include using Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), prescription medication and behavioural therapy.
See the further information section below for more advice.
Benefits of quitting and COVID-19
Quitting smoking is good for your health in so many ways and the coronavirus is further motivation to give quitting a go. It will build up your body’s defence now before coronavirus becomes widespread in the UK.
Misconceptions of vaping harm
There has been some suggestion in the media that e-cigarette use could increase risks from COVID-19.
- There is no clear evidence for this suggestion
- We know smoking is a definite risk factor, we would continue to encourage smokers to think about switching to e-cigarettes to reduce their risk of respiratory infections.
COVID and smoking
Smoking increases risk from coronavirus.
- If you smoke you are likely to get respiratory infections and twice as likely to develop pneumonia as non-smokers.
- As a smoker, the lining of your lungs is more vulnerable and you are producing more of the receptors which the COVID-19 virus latches on to.
- Now would be a great time to quit
Risks of smoking and COVID
- You could be at greater risk of going on to develop the Covid-19 lung illness from the coronavirus.
- Smoking harms the immune system, reducing the bodies’ natural protection again infections like coronavirus.
- You may already have weakened lung defences as a result of your smoking which has damaged the cells protecting your nose and upper and lower airways.
This increases the risk of:
- getting acute respiratory infections
- the infection lasting longer
- the infection being more serious than it would be for someone who does not smoke
Smoking and being older
Smoking contributes to, or exacerbates, many long-term conditions such as:
- dementia
- diabetes
- macular degeneration
- osteoporosis
Now would be a great time to quit.
Further information
Email Bradford Stop Smoking Service at or call 01274 437700.
We are here to support you to quit smoking. Quit smoking and have more money.
Giving up smoking will increase your disposable cash during the months when your work may be affected by COVID-19.
Now would be a great time to quit.