Perinatal mental health
If you notice significant changes in your mental state, or have thoughts or acts of violent self-harm or feel new and persistent feelings that you are not good enough as a mother or keep feeling disconnected from your baby, ring First Response Service 24 hour service on 0800 952 1181.
Already receiving support?
If you are pregnant or have a baby, have an existing mental health problem and are already having support or therapy from a service, your service will continue by telephone or video call. Everyone working with you will get in touch by phone to arrange your contacts and support.
Current advice - medication
If you need prescriptions, order them online in advance to make sure you have what you need before you run out.
Important things to help
Here are some self help ideas to lower your stress levels – see links below for websites.
Don’t listen to the news, radio or follow social media constantly as this can create high stress levels and not everything you hear is true or evidence based.
Do pause your day and spend time just watching your baby without doing anything much. Imagine what they might be seeing, what they might be feeling, and what they might be thinking. Notice what they look at, and how they respond to things that happen. Imagine what it must feel like to be them. Chat to your baby about this.
Take each day one moment at time, remember each moment will pass.
Try deep abdominal breathing. Exercise is also really good for lowering stress levels – try gentle yoga, dancing to music you like with your baby, stretches and self massage. If you are with someone close to you, gentle foot or shoulder massage can be very calming.
Moments of joy are really good for you and baby’s health – find some simple things you both like doing – play peek a boo, sing, have cuddles with your baby.
Further information
- My Wellbeing College Telephone: 0300 555 5551
- Mind
- 0 to 19 service