Pre application advice for major developments
The aim of the pre application service for major developments is to provide greater certainty and clarity to applicants and developers by identifying planning issues and requirements at the earliest possible stage and speed up the planning process. Furthermore it can help to minimise a developers subsequent planning application costs and avoid abortive applications.
The process
We offer an advice service on your proposals before you submit your planning application.
It’s not compulsory, but it will make submitting your proposal easier. The advice provided can provide a useful steer on proposals, leading to better quality developments and an increased chance of a quicker decision on the application.
- The pre-application service is for advice single option proposals only. If you require advice on multiple options for the site/development, please submit separate enquiry forms and fees.
- Officers will provide advice on whether it is likely that your proposal, as submitted, would be granted planning permission or not and will highlight main issues as appropriate.
As a minimum you will need to include the following with your application form:
- A Site Location Plan at scale clearly identifying the boundary of the site or building (1:1250 or 1:2500 scale)
- Proposed Site Layout Plan (1:500)
- Fee
The more detailed information that is provided within your submission, the more detailed the response will be.
To help us respond to your request, as a general guide we would suggest that the following information should be submitted in addition to the above:
- Drawings and sketches of the proposed development. This should include elevations, floor plans, adjacent buildings, access, servicing, parking arrangements, the initial architectural approach and materials where known. For minerals and waste applications it should also include quantities to be extracted or processed per annum, likely timescales if temporary development and appropriate drawings.
- A drainage strategy outlining the basic principles of how the proposed development intends to manage and dispose of surface water runoff. This should include options for the final outfall location of runoff, type and form of surface water storage structures where applicable and the proposed minimum standards of operation of the surface water drainage system.
- Any additional drawings that help demonstrate the impact of the proposal on its surroundings, for example streetscapes.
Where a fee has been submitted for pre-application advice without all the necessary information and it is not received within 4 weeks of the original submission, the fee will be returned less an administration fee of £50.
We aim to make initial contact within the first fourteen days, and provide a written response in four weeks. This is not guaranteed so please apply for pre-application advice as far in advance as possible.
- Day 1 to 14: Arrange meeting date where necessary
- Day 21: Receive Consultee responses in writing
- Day 21 to 28: Meeting held where necessary
- Day 28: Written response sent on or before 28 day target deadline
How do I apply?
Please complete the major pre application advice request form (Word, 162 Kb), attach any relevant supporting information and send it to the address on this page.
Category | Scale of proposal | Service offered | Fees (including VAT) |
Major category 1A | 250+ residential units or 25,000+ square metres non-residential use (including change of use and register providers) | Development Review Service to include:
Price upon application, minimum £8,000 |
Major category 1B | 250+ residential units or 25,000+ square metres non-residential use (including change of use and register providers) | 1 hour office or interactive meeting followed by written summary | Price upon application, minimum £6,000 |
Major category 1C | 250+ residential units or 25,000+ square metres non-residential use (including change of use and register providers) | Follow up meetings: 1 hour office or interactive meeting |
£600 |
Major category 2A | 100 to 249 residential units or 10,000 to 24,999 square metres non-residential use (including change of use and registered providers) | Design Review Service to include:
£6,500 |
Major category 2B | 100 to 249 residential units or 10,000 to 24,999 square metres non-residential use (including change of use and registered providers) | 1 hour office or interactive meeting followed by written summary | £4,000 |
Major category 2C | 100 to 249 residential units or 10,000 to 24,999 square metres non-residential use (including change of use and registered providers) | Follow up meetings: 1 hour office or interactive meeting | £500 |
Major category 3A | 50 to 99 residential units or 5,000 to 9,999 square metres non-residential use (including change of use and registered providers) | Design Review Service to include:
£2,500 |
Major category 3B | 50 to 99 residential units or 5,000 to 9,999 square metres non-residential use (including change of use and registered providers) | 1 hour office or interactive meeting followed by written summary | £2,500 |
Major category 3C | 50 to 99 residential units or 5,000 to 9,999 square metres non-residential use (including change of use and registered providers) | Follow up meetings: 1 hour office or interactive meeting | £400 |
Major category 4A | 25 to 49 residential units or 2,500 to 4,999 square metres non-residential use (including change of use and registered providers) | 1 hour office or interactive meeting followed by written summary | £2,500 |
Major category 4B | 25 to 49 residential units or 2,500 to 4,999 square metres non-residential use (including change of use and registered providers) | Written summary only, no meeting. | £1,900 |
Major category 4B | 25 to 49 residential units or 2,500 to 4,999 square metres non-residential use (including change of use and registered providers) | Follow up meetings: 1 hour office or interactive meeting |
£300 |
Major category 5A | 10 to 24 residential units or 1,000 to 2,499 square metres non-residential use (including change of use and registered providers) | 1 hour office or interactive meeting followed by written summary | £1,900 |
Major category 5B | 10 to 24 residential units or 1,000 to 2,499 square metres non-residential use (including change of use and registered providers) | Written summary only, no meeting. | £1,500 |
All mineral and waste developments | Price upon application, minimum for small scale starting £1,500 - minimum £2,500 for large scale | ||
Variation of a single condition of major and minerals category | Written summary only, no meeting. | £1,900 | |
Variation of more than one condition of major or minerals category - For more than one condition and for minor modification/non-material amendment of major or minerals application | Same fee for development type |
For more complicated proposals a number of meetings may be required to cover all relevant issues before a formal application is submitted.
We will advise on the additional costs prior to the arrangement of any subsequent meetings.
Please note that this fee is solely for the provision of pre application advice and does not count towards the fee for any subsequent planning application. It is also non-refundable unless the meeting is cancelled by the Council.
The standard fee must be paid prior to the first meeting.
Debit and credit card payments can be made through our online secure system
You will need to provide the site address and payment amount
Payment can also be made by bank transfer, telephone or cheque. More information about how to make a payment can be found on the enquiry form.
3D modelling of Bradford's City Centre
We are running a 6 month trial period from September 2023, where 3D modelling of Bradford’s City Centre can be provided to major pre-application advice applicants to insert their 3D pre-application proposal into our interactive mapping tool.
This represents an exciting new opportunity to showcase proposed development using the latest 3D mapping tools into a pre-formed City Centre map, which can be seen here: Bradford District Place Showcase (
It is envisaged that this tool for the future could act as a visual aid to enhance community engagement from pre-application advice stage, through the planning process to completion of development, as required by Bradford’s Statement of Community Involvement.
This package comes at no cost to the developer, and comes complete with website link and bespoke QR code, once the relevant information has been provided to the Council at pre-application advice stage.
Please contact for more information.
The service you will receive from us
We will:
- Provide confirmation within five working days of receiving your request to tell you whether the service is right for you. The service has the right to decline a request for pre-application advice where it is not considered either appropriate or necessary.
- Provide details of any further information you may need to supply.
- Contact you within 10 working days of receiving the fee and any other information we have requested from you to arrange a date for the meeting.
- Notify relevant Ward Councillors, who may consider and comment on the pre-application advice submissions while ensuring the information remains confidential.
- Arrange a meeting with you and all Council Officers needed to advise you on your case.
- Provide detailed written confirmation within 10 working days of the meeting, or a timescale agreed within the meeting of the advice and views given by us. This will include what you need to supply to submit a valid application.
- Advice on any section 106 agreement requirements.
Any pre application advice that has been provided will be carefully considered when reaching a decision or recommendation on an application; subject to the provision that circumstances and information may change or come to light that could alter that position. Any advice given by Council Officers does not constitute a formal response or decision of the Council. Any views or opinions expressed are in good faith, and to the best of ability, without prejudice to the formal consideration of any planning application which will be subject to public consultation and ultimately decided by the Council.