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Memorial and memorial benches: sites schedule

Countryside sites

Contact for Countryside sites 01274 588616. For Parks and Woodlands see below.

Ilkley Moor

  • General approach is to limit further memorials (including trees) to locations where there is a demonstrable need.  Final approval will be through site manager following discussion with appropriate consultative group (for example Friends).
  • No further benches will be permitted at Cow and Calf and around Ilkley Tarn.
  • Trees: where permitted must be approved native species and located in line with management plan. No plaques.

Baildon Moor/Shipley Glen

  • Benches will be considered only around the car parks on Baildon Moor, to be sited within 2m of the car park boundary.
    Specifically a maximum of:
    • Five benches at the top car park on Bingley Road opposite Dobrudden track
    • Five benches at the Upper Eaves car park on Hawksworth Road
    • One bench on Lower Eaves car park on Hawksworth Road (opposite White House).
    • Two benches at parking area at Prod Lane/Lucy Hall Drive/Glen Rd junction
  • No additional benches at any other point on the open moor, including the golf club areas and Bracken Hall Green.
  • Native trees without plaques in Shipley Glen (approval with Woodlands Manager required) or on the moor if consistent with management plan. Discuss with site manager.

Penistone Hill

  • No further benches along Cemetery Road between West Lane and Moorside Lane
  • Benches may be permitted on other parts of the moor where there is a demonstrable need and with support from user/consultative groups.
  • Native memorial trees (without plaque) will be allowed on other parts of the site at manager’s discretion and/or in line with management plan.
  • Memorial garden in Haworth Park will provide an alternative location for people wishing to purchase benches ( contact Parks Manager)

Harden Moor

Native memorial trees (without plaque) will be allowed on parts of the site at manager’s discretion and/or in line with management plan.

Benches may be permitted on parts of the moor where there is a demonstrable need and with support from user/consultative groups.

Keighley Tarn

Native memorial trees (without plaque) will be allowed on parts of the site at manager’s discretion and/or in line with management plan.

Benches may be permitted on parts of the site where there is a demonstrable need and with support from user/consultative groups.

Bingley South Bog

Native memorial trees (without plaque) will be allowed on parts of the site at manager’s discretion and/or in line with management plan. Limited to non-SSSI sectors of the site (mainly south of Bingley Relief Road).

No benches will be permitted.

Bingley North Bog

Native memorial trees (without plaque) will be allowed on parts of the site at manager’s discretion and/or in line with management plan.

Benches may be permitted on parts of the site where there is a demonstrable need and with support from user/consultative groups.  Limited to picnic areas, entrances and alongside footpath.  No benches within wetland meadow.

Toad Holes Beck, Low Moor

Native memorial trees (without plaque) will be allowed on parts of the site at manager’s discretion and/or in line with management plan.

Benches may be permitted on parts of the site where there is a demonstrable need and with support from user/consultative groups.

Brackenhill ULA, Great Horton

Native memorial trees (without plaque) will be allowed on parts of the site at manager’s discretion and/or in line with management plan.

Benches may be permitted on parts of the site where there is a demonstrable need and with support from user/consultative groups.

Railway Terrace, Low Moor

Native memorial trees (without plaque) will be allowed on parts of the site at manager’s discretion and/or in line with management plan.

Benches may be permitted on parts of the site where there is a demonstrable need and with support from user/consultative groups.

Damems Country Park, Keighley

Native memorial trees (without plaque) will be allowed on parts of the site at manager’s discretion and/or in line with management plan.

Benches may be permitted on parts of the site where there is a demonstrable need and with support from user/consultative groups.


Contact for Parks and Woodlands:

Green Flag parks

  • Lister Park
  • Roberts Park
  • Central Park
  • Harold Park
  • Peel Park
  • St Ives Estate

If requested, benches may be permitted but this will be at the discretion of the Manager and will have to be of a type as specified to be in keeping with benches already in situ and must conform to any heritage stipulations or guidelines.

As an alternative, native memorial trees would be allowed (subject to an appropriate planting position being agreed) with the addition/inclusion of a small memorial plaque.

Other key parks

  • Bowling Parks
  • Brackenhill Park
  • Bradford Moor Park
  • Burley Grange Park
  • Cliffe Castle
  • Cross Roads Park
  • Crowgill Park
  • Devonshire Park
  • Foster Park
  • Foxhill Park
  • Greenwood Park
  • Harden Memorial Park
  • Holden Park
  • Horton Bank Country Park
  • Horton Park
  • Ladyhill Park
  • Littlemoor Park
  • Lund Park
  • Menston Park
  • Myrtle Park
  • Northcliffe Park
  • Prince of Wales Park
  • Riverside Gardens
  • Russell Hall Park
  • Shipley Central
  • Silsden
  • Victoria Park, Clayton
  • Victoria Park, Oakenshaw
  • Victoria Park, Keighley
  • West Park
  • Wibsey Park

If requested, benches may be permitted but this will be at the discretion of the Manager and will have to be of a type as specified to be in keeping with benches already in situ.

As an alternative, native memorial trees would be allowed (subject to an appropriate planting position being agreed) with the addition/inclusion of a small memorial plaque.

Recreation grounds

This refers to other areas of public open space that are classed as ‘Recreation Grounds’.

If requested, benches may be permitted but this will be at the discretion of the Manager and will have to be of a type as specified to be in keeping with benches already in situ.

As an alternative, native memorial trees would be allowed (subject to an appropriate planting position being agreed) with the addition/inclusion of a small memorial plaque.


Woodland areas around the whole district.

There already is an established ‘Memorial Woodland’ on the St Ives Estate that was created many years ago but this site is now full.

Any new requests will be at the discretion of the woodland manager.

*Native trees – see species schedule.


We acknowledge that some people requesting memorials at specific locations may be disappointed.  Site managers would be happy to discuss possible alternatives – either different locations or different forms of memorial. Please contact us if you wish to follow this up.

One alternative option is to make a donation to the relevant Friends group so that they can use it to fund conservation or improvement works at the site.  For further details on this, please contact the relevant site manager.