Bradford Local Access Forum

Bradford Local Access Forum has been set up to advise the Council and Natural England on the improvement of public access to the countryside and public rights of way in the area.

Local Access Forums (LAFs) are statutory bodies, set up under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 to represent the wide range of interests and views involved in the management and enjoyment of public rights of way and countryside areas. The LAF must also take into account the needs of land management and the desirability of conserving the natural beauty and wildlife of the area.

The Forum’s members are volunteers appointed to give a broad mix of interests including countryside visitors, landowners and occupiers, parish councils, nature conservation and other relevant subjects. Up to three Councillors from the Local Authority may also be members of the LAF.

The LAF meets several times per year to provide a balanced view about access issues and priorities affecting the local area. The LAF is also a statutory consultee for certain proposed changes to countryside access, such as permanent restrictions in Open Access areas, Dog Control Orders and the Rights of Way Improvement Plan.

The Forum will have opportunities to comment on proposed changes to relevant national legislation and policy and sends representatives to Regional Access Forum and national LAF conference.

The Chair of the Forum is elected from among the membership and the role of forum secretary is provided by a Council Officer.

There are currently vacancies for members who could represent the countryside access interests of landowners, businesses and minority groups.

Further information can be obtained from the Bradford LAF Secretary:

Further information about the role of LAFs can also be found at: Natural England: Local Access Forums.

Members of the Bradford Local Access Forum

You can find out who is on the Bradford Local Access Forum on the Forum Members page.

Minutes of recent meetings