Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report

Bradford Council delivers a wide range of services to over half a million citizens. In order to deliver effective services the Council requires a large quantity of fuel and energy. For the most part it is the quantity of fuel and electricity that determines the size of the Council's carbon footprint. The Council is committed to tackling climate change by reducing its overall emissions and is participating in the UK Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) scheme. Each year the Council makes greenhouse gas emissions data from its own operations publicly available.

Bradford Council's greenhouse gas emissions

Year Greenhouse gas emissions
2009/10 88,302 tonnes CO2e
2010/11 89,233 tonnes CO2e
2011/12 82,779 tonnes CO2e
2012/13 88,466 tonnes CO2e
2013/14 84,789 tonnes CO2e
2014/15 83,387 tonnes CO2e
2015/16 75,704 tonnes CO2e
2016/17 66,768  tonnes CO2e
2017/18 45,844 tonnes CO2e
2018/19 47,446 tonnes CO2e
2019/20 37,662 tonnes CO2e *
2020/21 21,573 tonnes CO2e **
2021/22 22,225 tonnes CO2e

*The 2019/20 report includes data for corporate and schools excluding academies. Number of schools reported are less as compared to previous years.

**The 2020/21 report excluded schools data from reporting. A lot of schools have converted to academies and manage their own utilities. The number of schools under Bradford Council contract for utilities reduce every year which in turn has an effects on our GHG figures. In order to monitor Bradford Council's only progress schools data has also been removed from previous reported years on this report.
