Local Development Scheme


The Local Development Scheme (LDS) is a three year rolling work programme which sets out the details, timescales and arrangements for producing Local Development Documents (LDDs).

Overall the LDS has three main purposes:

  • to describe the Development Plan Documents (DPD) which the Council intends to include as part of its Local Plan (both existing and proposed);
  • to explain their relationship to other DPDs in the Local Plan; and
  • to set out the timetables for producing DPDs.


Guidance requires the LDS to be reviewed on a regular basis (at least every 3 years) to take account of progress and slippage on any documents and new policy issues.

The previous LDS was approved by the Council in July 2021 and set out the programme for the period 2021 to 2024.

Since the LDS was approved, there has been significant progress to put in place up to date comprehensive Local Plan coverage with the development of a single plan integrating site allocations.

In light of the national planning reforms, local circumstances and progress, the Council have reviewed and updated the LDS accordingly.

The revised LDS was approved by the Council’s Executive on 5 March 2024 coming into effect on the 13 March to cover the period 2024 to 2026.

LDS Updated (2024)

Superseded LDS documents