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Self and custom build housing register

Under the Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015, local authorities keep a register of individuals and associations who are seeking to acquire serviced plots of land in their area in order to build homes for those individuals to occupy.

The Government wants to enable more people to build or commission their own home and wants to make this form of housing a mainstream housing option. Bradford Council is responding to this requirement by producing a self-build and custom house building register.

The information contained within the register will enable the Council to gather evidence to see if there is a demand for this type of development within the District. If the Council then becomes aware of land that may be suitable for self build it can highlight this to the landowner/agent.

What is self-build and custom build housing?

The terms ‘self-build’ and ‘custom build’ are used to describe situations where individuals or groups are involved in creating their own home. The amount of personal involvement in the project can vary; the differences are explained below:

  • Self build - This is when someone plays a very significant part in the house-building process and directly organises the design and carries out the construction of their new home (with or without the help of sub-contractors).
  • Custom build - This type of build tends to be when people commission the construction of their home from a developer/enabler, builder/contractor or package company. With custom build the occupants usually don't do any of the physical construction work but still make important design decisions.
  • Group projects - This is when a group of people set themselves up as an organisation to commission the construction of a number of homes as a collective. There are many ways this can be done - for example, by creating their own development company, or by setting up as a housing co-operative, a co-housing organisation or as a housing association. This could be either self or custom built.

Registering your interest in self-build and custom house building

If you would like to register your interest in self-build and custom house building within the Bradford District, please complete our online application form using the link below.

Individuals must be eligible to be entered onto the register. For the eligibility criteria, please see the questions and answers page.

You will be asked to indicate what part of the Bradford District you interested in building, for further information please refer to the settlement map below.

Register your interest in self-build and custom house building

Contact us

If you have any further questions about the Self-build and Custom house building register please email or telephone 01274 433679.

Settlement map

Map showing the locations of settlements in the Bradford District.