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Disabled Facilities Grant

A Disabled Facilities Grant can help you to make adaptations to your home so that you can be more independent. If you have a carer, you can also get a Disabled Facilities Grant if it will help your carer manage more easily.

In Bradford Council, Disabled Facilities Grants are dealt with by the Adaptations team who are part of the Housing Service. The Adaptations Team also provide the Adaptations Agency service who can arrange for adaptations to be carried out for you.

What sort of adaptation can I get help for?

The Disabled Facilities Grant is provided for adaptations to give you better freedom of movement into and around your house so that you can use the essential facilities in it. The sort of things you can get help with include:

  • taking a bath out and installing a level access shower
  • installing a stair-lift or through floor lift to help you access facilities in your house
  • widening doorways and putting in ramps

We will also consider changing things to make it easier for your carer, such as installing ceiling track hoists to help carers with moving and handling.

There are rules about who can get a Disabled Facilities Grant that we have to follow.

The maximum grant that the law says can be given is £30,000 but most adaptation that we carry out do not cost this much.  You may need to pay something towards your adaptation.

How do I get help?

If you would like to apply for a Disabled Facilities Grant the first thing you need to do is to get in touch with the Occupational Therapy (OT) Service to arrange for them to carry out an assessment of your needs.