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Factsheet: Repairs to your Roof in Saltaire World Heritage Site

Virtually all repairs and works to roofs in Saltaire need Listed Building Consent. Please check with the Conservation Team by Email: or by Telephone 01274 434605 or 435319.

If you are replacing or repairing a small patch of a few slates then you probably don’t need Listed Building Consent – contact the Conservation Team to check.

The roof-scape in Saltaire is an important part of the special historic character of the village and of your house. The colour, pattern and texture of your roof are important features to maintain. The appearance of whole terraces can be harmed by a poor roof replacement.

Your roof should be:

  • Made of reclaimed or new Welsh slate
  • Coursed through consistently to the slates on your neighbours’ roof

You must Not:

  • Use Spanish, Chinese or other imported slate
  • Use ‘tingles’ to make patch repairs
  • Add raised coping lines to divide your roof from your neighbours

Listed Building Consent is free and takes 6-8 weeks. Apply on online on the Make a planning application page  

  • Incorrect roof repairs will be at risk of Enforcement Action ie. you may be required by law to do the work again correctly.
  • Building Regulations Application – you may need Building Regulation Approval for your roof work. You may need an insulation upgrade. Advice is available on the Advice for householders page. Or contact Building Control Enquiries on 01274 433807.
  • If you plan any other home improvements inside or outside and would like advice please contact: the Conservation Team on 01274 434605 or via the Conservation Team email: