Adult Social Care and Council Tax
What is Adult Social Care?
Adult Social Care provides care for older and vulnerable people (such as people with a Learning or Physical Disability) in their own homes, or in a residential, or nursing care home.
We work with people to help them remain as independent as possible for as long as possible and ensure people are assisted to choose the right care they may need.
We also work alongside the NHS to help people recover from or prevent a stay in hospital. More details are on the Adult and Community Services website.
Is there an increase in Adult Social Care on my Council Tax bill?
From 2016-17 onwards, central government gave local authorities (with responsibility for providing Adult Social Care services) the flexibility to increase Council Tax by an additional element, to reflect the increasing pressure on Adult Social Care brought about by people living longer.
Bradford Council set a total Council Tax increase of 4.99% for 2024-25. This includes a 2% increase for the Adult Social Care precept.
Does this amount cover all the increases needed to fund Adult Social Care?
Unfortunately the answer to this is no.
Similarly to previous years, Adult Social Care will continue to have to make savings as part of its contribution to the budget savings target for the Council. Also, there are financial burdens as a result of the implementation of the National Living Wage which will not only impact on council staff costs but will also impact on the cost of care for people in their own home, in residential or nursing care etc. There are increasing costs as people are living longer and more people need assistance in their daily living needs.
More information can be found on the budget set for 2024-25 page.