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Sustainability support for local VCSE organisations

Local VCSE organisations can submit formal requests to the Council for changes to their contracts or grants to support ongoing sustainability.

The Council wants to ensure the ongoing sustainability of local VCSE organisations that receive grant funding or are delivering services through contractual arrangements.

These organisations can submit formal requests to the Council for changes to their contracts or grants to support ongoing sustainability.

Organisations in scope for this support are defined as “VCSE organisations located within the District and/or delivering substantial value to the District”

Every contract / grant has its own unique characteristics and therefore the support required by each organisation will vary but some examples could be:

  • Contract / grant extension
  • Accelerated invoice payment
  • Increased frequency of invoicing
  • Payment in advance
  • Change to requirements including an extension to current agreed end date
  • Changes to targets and performance indicators
  • Extension of time for performance
  • Revised milestones or delivery dates

How to request support

  1. A fully completed VCSE Sustainability Support Request Form (Word document) should be emailed to and cc’d to the relevant Council Contract / Grant Manager for each contract / grant held. 
  2. All individual requests will be reviewed by the Council’s Contract / Grant Manager, Procurement Service and Finance. The Council aims to consider and respond to all requests as soon as possible and keep organisations informed of project timescales.
  3. The Contract / Grant Manager will make a recommendation to approve or reject the request to the responsible Assistant Director or Authorised Officer.
  4. The Contract / Grant Manager will communicate the decision to the VCSE organisation by email and will work with Legal Services to formalise all approved requests with a variation to the current contract or grant agreement.
  5. If a request is rejected the VCSE organisation can resubmit taking into account any feedback given by the Council.

A flowchart (PDF)  has been produced to show this process.

VCSE obligations – approved requests

  1. Ensure that any required cost data is made available to the Council where requested or agree to provide it at a later date for audit and reconciliation.
  2. Continue to pay their own employees and subcontractors to ensure business continuity and sustainability.
  3. Retain records in order to support future reconciliation.
  4. Adhere to the Council’s invoicing protocols so that payments can be made quickly.

If it is found that any VCSE organisation is found to be taking undue fair advantage or failing in their duty to act transparently and with integrity, then the Council has a right to take action to recover payments made.