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Tender ready support (Go4Growth programme)

Do you want to do business with the public sector?

The public sector is a large, stable market worth around £300bn per year. 

Bradford Council spend is approximately £475m per year. We must ensure that we comply with rules and regulations when we are spending this money but know that this can be a complex environment and difficult for organisations to understand when they want to do business with us.

The Go4Growth Programme

Go4Growth is all about changing this and it does so in two main ways. Firstly, by working with smaller organisations and the VCSE Go4Growth learns first-hand about the issues and barriers they face and aims to help them overcome these barriers through offering guidance, tools, templates, support and resources appropriate and relevant to each individual organisation.

The programme also collates data, looks for trends and patterns and feeds this evidence based intelligence into the public sector so that this can be reflected in future opportunities and approaches.

The Go4Growth programme is funded by Bradford Council and the support given to organisations is free. Covid19 has caused devastating effects on organisations in the District and we see the Go4Growth programme as being a key part of aiding recovery and building resilience for the future.

To find out more about Go4Growth:

YouTube channel Go4Growth Support Services - YouTube.

To join the programme:

Watch a series of masterclasses for organisations wanting to work with the public sector here:

Gill Askew, Co-Founder of Go4Growth: “We are delighted to be working with the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council to help businesses in Bradford and those who aspire to work within the District grow. In our team we have experience of public sector procurement and also as small businesses so we understand first hand the challenges faced by both. Given the impact of the pandemic on businesses we know there has never been a better time to do this than now”