Community planning blueprint for Harden takes its final steps

Article dated Friday Nov 10, 2023 at 09:35 AM

A community-led plan to help shape the future growth and development of Harden in the Bradford district up to 2030, has taken its final step, and has now been brought into force.

The Harden Neighbourhood Development Plan was signed off by Bradford Council in September this year, following a successful referendum in the area in July, where the majority voted in favour of the plan.

It now forms part of the overall planning policy framework for the Bradford district and will be used by Bradford Council when taking decisions on planning applications in the Harden area. Developers can also use it as guidance when putting together proposals.

The Harden Neighbourhood Development Plan has been in preparation since 2017. It has gone through two formal periods of consultation, one between February and April in 2021 and the other between June and August last year, as well as independent examination earlier this year.

The Harden Neighbourhood Development Plan was voted for by 87.3% of those voting and in line with legislation, Bradford Council has now formally “made” (adopted) the plan.

Councillor Kay Kirkham, Harden Village Council Vice Chair and Neighbourhood Planning lead Member, said: “I am very pleased that 87% of the residents of Harden who voted, supported the Neighbourhood Development Plan. It has taken over five years to get to this point, but we can now use the Plan to make sure that any future development in the village corresponds with what residents want and need.”

Councillor Alex Ross-Shaw, Executive Member for Regeneration, Planning and Transport at Bradford Council said: “Harden is the seventh area of the Bradford district to have its Neighbourhood Development Plan formally adopted. I’d like to congratulate Harden Village Council on completion of the plan and thank all those who have engaged in the process over the last five years.”

The Harden Neighbourhood Development Plan can be viewed on Bradford Council’s website at\HardenReg1920

Paper versions can also be viewed during normal opening hours at Britannia House, City Library and Bingley Library.

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