Register a birth

Congratulations on the birth of your new baby

Every baby born in England or Wales must be registered within 42 days.

Due to the Covid19 pandemic we have a backlog of birth registrations and therefore may not be able to offer you an appointment with 42 days. Please book the first available appointment.

If the baby was born in the Bradford and Keighley District it should be registered here, but if that is inconvenient you may register the birth in another district in England and Wales. This is known as registering by declaration. That registrar will send the details on to us.

You can order and pay for birth certificates when you make the declaration and these will be posted to you.

You do not need to bring the baby into the register office because the local health authority tells us when a baby is born.

If the baby was born in the Bradford and Keighley Registration District you can register the birth at:

  • Bradford City Hall 
  • Keighley Town Hall

Make an appointment to register a birth

Who can register a birth?

If the parents were married to, or in a civil partnership with each other, when the baby was born

  • the mother or father or second female parent.

If the parents were not married to, or in a civil partnership with each other, when the baby was born

  • the mother 
  • the mother and father or second female parent

Other people who may register births

If neither the mother nor the father or second female parent is able to register the birth, you need to contact the Register Office for advice.

Information the registrar will ask you about the birth

About the baby:

  • date and place of birth; for twins or triplets the time of each child's birth will be needed 
  • baby’s sex 
  • the first name(s) and surname intended for the child.

About the mother and father or second parent (if their details are to be entered in the register):

  • first name(s) and surname – also any other names which are or have been used 
  • mother’s maiden surname if different 
  • her date and place of birth 
  • occupation at the time of the child's birth, or last occupation if unemployed 
  • usual address at the date of birth 
  • date of marriage or civil partnership if applicable 
  • number of previous children.

You will also be asked to bring identification such as passport, driving licence and marriage or civil partnership certificate, if appropriate.

It is most important that the information recorded in the birth register is correct. You should check the information very carefully before signing the entry. A mistake can easily be put right before you sign, but after signing it will be much more difficult and will incur a fee or £75/£90. 

If you have difficulty in communicating in English you must bring someone else to act as interpreter.

There is no fee to register a birth.

What certificates will be issued?

All birth certificates cost £11. A standard certificate is a complete copy of the register entry and you will need it to obtain a passport for the child. A short certificate shows the name, sex, date and district of birth and has limited use.

Contact details

Bradford and Keighley Register Office
City Hall
Centenary Square

Phone : 01274 432151

Please note: Birth registrations are by appointment only.

Monday to Friday: 9am to 4.30pm

Saturday: By appointment only