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Bradford Council’s Equality Objectives

We are committed to ensuring that every part of the district and everyone who lives in it is equitably served and no one feels excluded or is unfairly favoured or disadvantaged.

This means ensuring that everyone can access services regardless of their background, that we embrace our different communities across the whole district, and that we build an inclusive organisation.

Promoting equality is one of our core principles and is at the heart of everything we do.

We want to be an organisation which actively recognises the contribution that people from different backgrounds make to all aspects of the Council’s work and the district’s communities. 

We have updated our Equality Objectives and Equality Plan 2021-2025 (PDF). These objectives do not cover everything the Council does in relation to equalities, but identify areas which will help us progress our equalities approach. These are also directly embedded into the Council’s overarching priorities, which are outlined in our Council Plan (2021-2025).

The objectives are summarised below, with more detail available in the attached document.

  • Visibility, leadership and accountability: we will lead the Council and the District in an open, visible and accountable way with zero tolerance for discriminatory behaviour
  • Workforce: we will work proactively to ensure that our workforce (at all levels) reflects the communities we serve and support all staff to achieve their full potential.
  • Community: we will encourage all service areas to better understand our communities. We will actively engage with our communities to help people participate in decision-making processes, to improve the services we provide, and to enable more people to take part in the life in the District. We will ensure through our Social Value Procurement Policy that more resources are retained in the District to support and invest in our people and our voluntary and community sector.
  • Services: We will design, commission and deliver services that are accessible, inclusive and responsive to the needs of people and communities. We will provide information about services in a range of accessible formats so that people know what services are available to support them and how to access them. We will aim to contract and commission locally wherever possible so that we can support our local economy. This will help us build a local supply chain connected to its wider social responsibilities and offering high quality employment and training opportunities to local people, while delivering equitable services that are value for money.

We will publish progress on these objectives on an annual basis through Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee reports.