Website maintenance

We will be doing maintenance to our website and online forms between Friday and Monday. If you have problems using our online forms, please try again later. more »

Cross-cutting principles

Our work will be underpinned by the following cross-cutting principles:

Equalities must be at the heart of all we do

This means that everyone can access services regardless of their background, that we embrace our different communities across the whole district and that we build an inclusive organisation. We want to be an organisation which actively recognises the contribution that people from different backgrounds make to all aspects of the Council’s work and the district’s communities. Our Equality Objectives are published alongside this plan and feature across our outcome areas. Our Equality Objectives and accompanying Equality Plan for the period 2020-2024 will outline how we intend to keep equalities at the heart of all we do.

Working together

We will work with our communities to get them involved at every opportunity. We will empower individuals so that they can be involved in the process of designing how outcomes are achieved. We will collaborate with other public sector organisations and our communities to ensure residents and businesses have the best opportunity to reach their potential. Together we will be strong, creative, innovative and effective, compassionate and thoughtful, delivering the very best services for all. We recognise that no single organisation can achieve our priority outcomes alone and that partnership and working together will be central to success.

Early help and prevention

This means we will support people early and in their communities to prevent their needs from escalating and to improve their outcomes. This will reduce demand on services and improve the quality of life of individuals. We will be supported in delivering on this cross-cutting principle through our Early Help Board Strategy and Action Plan.

Every pound counts

We will adopt effective and value-for-money approaches to service delivery. We will increase the proportion of Council resources spent locally to help grow the Bradford District economy and develop our local supply chains. We will ensure that services are creative, innovative and effective to provide the best outcomes for our residents and businesses. Working with others, we will ensure we get the best and most effective value for every pound spent in Bradford District. Internally the Council has a number of strategies and plans in place, such as our Financial Strategy, our Procurement Strategy and our Council Workforce Plan.

Living Well

We will work alongside our communities and our partners in the NHS, independent sector and Voluntary and Community Sector, to embed Bradford’s Living Well, whole systems approach to improving health and wellbeing for everyone. With energy and commitment, we will actively pursue the Living Well mission – to make it easier for people in the district to adopt healthier lifestyle behaviours – and in doing so, reduce preventable health conditions, (including childhood obesity), reduce premature deaths and increase the number of years that the district’s people live in good health and wellbeing.


Bradford District will work with partners and communities to do everything it can to ensure that children and adults at risk in the District are kept safe. We will work together to deliver this principle with collaboration with our children’s and adult’s safeguarding board. This is not just a role for professionals in social care, but will be part of everyone’s role in the authority.