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Interpretation, translation and communication support

The Council recognises that all members of the community have the right to receive a high standard of service and is committed to ensuring that no individual within the community is excluded from accessing services.

To fulfil its obligations, the Council will endeavour to communicate with the District’s diverse communities in a form that is easily understood.

To ensure that our customers have fair access to high quality services, the Council will seek to provide communication support where there is a need for:

  • face-to-face interaction between the Council and customer; 
  • providing information about accessing Council services.

In providing communication support, the Council will aim to adopt the following standards:

  • departments will identify customer requirements for communication support and provide access to appropriate services; 
  • front line staff will receive training to ensure effective service delivery.

How to access the service

The Equalities Service takes a lead in co-ordinating, supporting and providing advice, help and support to Council departments on the provision of interpretation, translation and communication support service.

By developing links with local, regional and national organisations we provide advice and support to Council departments in the provision of:

  • interpretation and translation service in the main community languages in the District; 
  • Braille, large print, audio tape etc; 
  • a database of individuals and organisations, which can be used as a resource to access relevant services.

A standard rate of charge is made for any request for interpretation, translation and communication support service.

Audio and large print

Kirklees Transcription Service

If reading standard size print is difficult, Kirklees Transcription Service (KTS) can transcribe information into the following alternative formats:

  • Audio: information is recorded in a professional recording studio and can be copied onto USB or mp3
  • Large print: the standard large print that KTS use is Arial 18, but they can produce different types and sizes of fonts on request
  • Electronic documents: KTS produce electronic documents in Microsoft Word file type. These are mainly for people who use computers with screen reader software.

British Sign Language

Language support services are available:

  • BSL Interpreters - qualified and registered Sign Language Interpreter
  • Lip Speakers - provide support to individuals who do not use sign language and rely more on lip reading
  • Deaf / Blind Communicator Guides - this is known as dual or multi sensory impairment 
  • Electronic notetakers - used in one to one situations and small meetings using a laptop so people can read notes as they type
  • Palantypist (speech to text reporters) - used mainly at large events and type onto a big screen

Morley Street Resource Centre

124 Morley Street

Reception: 01274 435001
Fax: 01274 435482


Service provided to members of the public. Information and advice provided to organisations.

Kirklees Transcription Service offer this service to individuals and organisations.

Leeds Library and Information Services provides a range of transcription services for blind and partially sighted people including Braille, Large Print and Tape.

Kirklees Transcription Service

Huddersfield Library
Princess Alexandra Walk

Telephone: 01484 221955

Leeds Centre for Blind and Partially Sighted People

72 Headingley Lane

Telephone: 0113 214 4540

Multi-Lingual Audio Tapes

Talking Magazines provide information in: DAT, Mini and compact disc and tape

Multi-lingual audio services Translation, script compilation and audio recording.

Bradford Talking Magazines

11/12 Eldon Place

Telephone: 01274 848150
Fax: 01274 848152