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Play Streets

What are Play Streets?

A Play Street is a road that has been temporarily closed to through traffic to create space for children to play out. Play Street sessions also provide a great chance to bring neighbours together to get to know each other better and bring a real sense of community spirit to the street.

Who can apply and where can playing out sessions be held?

Any community based organisation or resident can apply to the council for permission to close a road and run a Play Street session. Quiet residential streets and cul-de-sacs are most suitable – the council cannot support an application for a Play Street on a main road or bus route.

Who organises the sessions?

Although the council supports the scheme by allowing the road to be closed, the Play Street sessions are organised and stewarded by local community based organisations or residents.

Parents and carers remain responsible for the supervision of their children during the Play Street sessions.

What about people who need access to their homes or businesses?

Although the street will be closed to through traffic, residents will still be allowed vehicle access. When entering or leaving a Play Street, drivers should go very slowly (walking pace) and be aware that there may be children and families around. Stewards at the entry and exit points of the Play Street will ask children and families to clear the area if needed.

I’m interested, how do I make it happen?

Before you apply, there are a few things you should do:

  • Read the toolkit for more information and take a look at our other resources below
  • Think about whether your street is suitable
  • Talk to your neighbours and find out if there is interest.

Once you’ve completed the steps above you will need to complete the online application form. Alternatively, you can complete this application form (Word) and email it to

Other resources

Our Play Street Scheme has been inspired by the resident-led not for profit organisation 'Playing Out'. Visit their website for further inspiration, ideas and resources

Other useful websites