Website maintenance

We will be doing maintenance to our website and online forms between Friday and Monday. If you have problems using our online forms, please try again later. more »

Assisted collections - help moving your bins

What are assisted collections?

Assisted collections are for anyone who cannot move their recycling or general waste bin to the kerbside and has no one else living in the property to help them.

How do I get an assisted collection service?

Request an assisted collection now

Fill in form above or call us, and we will arrange for someone to visit you to see how we can help.

After the visit, and assuming we agree you cannot move your bin, we will tell our collection crews to help you.

Please note, we no longer provide black bin bags for residents on assisted collections.

If your waste is collected by a transit van (not a full sized bin wagon), your waste must be presented in suitably tied bin bags. If you keep your bin bags in a general waste (green) bin, please do not put loose items in the bin – everything should be in bags so the crews can easily remove them.