Affordable housing

Bradford Council’s Housing Development team works with Registered Providers (Housing Associations) and private developers to get more homes built in Bradford. The team is focussed especially on getting more affordable homes built for rent or for sale. The rent for an affordable home is fixed at no more than 80% of the average market rent in the area.

Since 2010 Bradford Council has also built some new homes which have either been for social rent or affordable rent. We still own most of these properties, but we have a contract with Incommunities to provide a housing management and maintenance service for them. This means that Incommunities deals with day to day issues like repairs and collecting rent.

The Council has paid for the new properties with a grant from the Homes England (formerly called the Homes and Communities Agency), borrowing and money from the sale of some of the properties that have been developed.  The loan that the Council has taken out will be paid back from the rent that will be paid. 

 Bradford Council and other Registered Providers put details of any properties that are available to rent on the Bradford Homes website. You can also find out more about how to register for a home to rent on Finding a home to rent.

Contact details

Housing Development,
8th Floor,
Margaret McMillan Tower,
Princes Way,

Email :