How to secure an empty property

Empty properties can become a target for criminals and they are likely to have maintenance problems such as water damage.

It is the responsibility of the owners to maintain and secure an empty property so that it is not causing nuisance to others.

We recommend that you:

  • Insure your property with the appropriate level of cover. 
  • If the property is to be empty for an unknown period of time, consider turning off the water at the stopcock and draining radiators. Check first if you have a shared water supply! 
  • Fit timer switches to lights so they come on in the evening as they would if someone was living there 
  • Fit a security light to dimly lit areas 
  • Fit good quality locks to the windows and doors 
  • Hang net curtains or blinds in the windows so that it’s not as easy to see inside 
  • Keep the garden tidy and make sure the bins are emptied and put away. This will also keep the neighbours happy 
  • If you are on good terms with your neighbours, let them know that the property is empty. Perhaps give them your telephone number so that they can contact you if they see or hear anything unusual at the property 
  • Make sure that the property has a working burglar alarm and doors and windows are locked 
  • Consider keeping the heating on a timer at a low level in the winter to prevent burst pipes

If the worst happens and the property is broken into, there are more permanent solutions such as boarding up the property or steel shuttering the property to prevent unauthorised access. There are various security companies who are able to assist with security solutions for long term empty properties, including interlinked alarms.

Contact details

Empty Homes and Loans Team
8th Floor
Margaret McMillan Tower
Princes Way

Phone : 01274 434520
Email :