Empty Property Assistance Scheme
The Empty Property Assistance Scheme helps empty property owners carry out essential repairs to their property to bring them back into use.
Who is the assistance for?
This assistance is for anyone who owns a property that has been empty for more than six months and wants to carry out renovation works, but is unable to finance a mortgage or loan to fund the works via the Council’s Empty Property Loan or other private funding.
This may be because they do not have enough equity in the empty property to access an Empty Property Loan, or the works required are below the minimum amount of loan, which is £1000.
It is important to note that if the Council feels you can access other forms of funding such as an empty property loan or commercial lending, you will not be considered for this assistance.
What does it cover?
The assistance is to carry out repairs to the dwelling to enable it to meet health and safety and bring the property back into use as housing accommodation.
The amount of assistance to be offered will vary according to the value of eligible works but will be limited to one per property and be subject to a maximum of £5,000 (excluding VAT). The works required will be determined by the Council.
Bradford Council will advise you on what works are necessary at the property and check that the works are done properly before payment is made to your builder.
Where the cost of the works to enable the property to meet health and safety standards exceeds the maximum assistance available, the applicant will be required to utilise their own funds before accessing assistance from the Council.
What are the conditions?
One of the most important conditions is that the property must be occupied as a primary home within 6 months of the date on which the works are certified as completed by the Council. The other conditions of the assistance will be explained to you by Officers from the Council if you decide to proceed with an enquiry.
Who would not be eligible?
If you have received assistance from the Local Authority for repairs at this property in the last ten years you would not be eligible.
Companies, businesses or owners of multiple properties will not normally be eligible for this assistance.
What happens next?
If you think you may qualify for Empty Property Assistance, you should first ask for an enquiry form to complete. The information you give us will help us determine whether an Empty Property Loan or Assistance is more appropriate for you and your property. Once we have established this we will advise you on the next stages in the process.
How do I find out more?
If you would be interested in finding out more about the loan or assistance please get in touch with us, using our contact details, for a no obligation or commitment discussion regarding your empty property.