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Bradford Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE)

The Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) is a statutory body which has the responsibility for overseeing RE and collective worship in Bradford maintained schools and to advise the City of Bradford MDC on related matters.

By law, it consists of four committees:

  • Religions and denominations 
  • The Church of England 
  • Teacher Associations 
  • City of Bradford MDC

The Council committee includes four elected members.

Bradford’s SACRE has a very wide range of representatives including the major faiths, most Christian denominations and a co-opted representative from the Humanist Association. It was subject to an inspection by Her Majesty’s Inspectors in 2003. The first of its findings stated: Bradford SACRE, through its excellent partnership with Education Bradford, has many strengths and it is highly effective. Much of its practice is very innovative and imaginative and has rightly gained a national and international reputation.

The SACRE meets five times a year, and is open to the public.