Website maintenance

We will be doing maintenance to our website and online forms between Friday and Monday. If you have problems using our online forms, please try again later. more »

District plan outcome

How does the Connected District theme support district plan outcomes?

Children have the best start in life

Contributes to high-quality education in every setting. World-class connectivity will help reduce health and social inequalities and child poverty.

Residents achieve good health and wellbeing

It will create equitable access for patients supporting Primary Care Networks and Community Partnerships supporting new integrated models of care using virtual technologies

Smart Place tech will allow people to live longer in their own homes, with access to high-quality care at home or in care settings when needed.

Digitally enabled communities are able to connect with each other, collaborate, link support group tasks, share information and address isolation.

Sustainable economic growth and decent work for all

Excellent connectivity is critical to creating the conditions that enable people to secure good work, to reducing inequality in income, housing and ultimately in wellbeing. It will help attract and grow high value businesses in digital, health and green industries and support local people to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to access these jobs.

Safe, sustainable and inclusive communities

Smart Place Infrastructure will improve the live-ability of citizens in Bradford with more effective services, better planning and design on the use of space. Community applications will enhance social cohesion, create strong social bonds and active community involvement through volunteering and networks.

Excellent connectivity and smart place applications can make significant contributions to tackling climate change and reduce local carbon footprint of the region. Bringing improvements in our buildings, infrastructure, services and natural environment. The technology can help minimise waste, reuse and recycle resources, reshape and optimise supply chains movements.

It will support the green economy and can help local businesses produce clean and safe products that are life-enhancing and support wellbeing in the home, community and working life and contribute to the district becoming an exemplar sustainable place.

There is so much that smart place technology can do to address climate change. These applications will be developed as part of our Clean Growth Programme.

AI can map the region and identify and track changes to the ecosystem year-on-year, providing stakeholders with evidence of environmental deterioration or recovery, information that confirms if the district is on track to meet its climate change targets.