Council Tax bills 2024-2025

On this page, you should hopefully find all you need to know about your Council Tax bill.

Manage your Council Tax account online with our MyInfo service

Our online MyInfo service allows you to manage your Council Tax account and view your Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction claim details

How do I pay my bill?

The easiest way to pay is by Direct Debit. For more ways to pay your bill, have a look at our Council Tax payments page.

I don't understand my bill

For information about the wording and layout of your Council Tax bill, look at our Council Tax bill explained page.

How much is Council Tax this year?

The amount you need to pay is shown on your bill. For Council Tax amounts for the whole Bradford District, look at our Council Tax bands and amounts page.

Council Tax increases for 2024-25

Council Tax for Bradford Council (including Adult Social care) will rise this year by a total of 4.99% compared to last year’s bill. This is to support council services as a whole.

The increase of 4.99% does not include any Parish Precepts or Precepts for West Yorkshire Police Authority and West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority.

Your Council Tax charge also includes a specific increase of 2% to support Adult Social Care, which is displayed separately on your bill.

Why is there an amount on my bill for Adult Social Care?

Information can be found on our Adult Social Care and Council Tax frequently asked questions page.

Where is the Council Tax online leaflet?

More information about Council Tax, as well as the Council Tax online leaflet, can be found on our What is Council Tax? page.

My property is empty - why has the amount I pay increased?

An extra amount of Council Tax, called the Empty Property Premium, is charged for long term vacant properties that have been empty and unoccupied for more than one year.

The amount of the charge increases the longer the property is empty. The table below shows the amount of Empty Property Premium that will be charged:

Number of years the property has been empty Amount of extra Council Tax Total amount of Council Tax to pay
1 100% 2 times the usual amount
5 200% 3 times the usual amount
10 300% 4 times the usual amount

I'm struggling to pay my bill

If you're struggling to pay your Council Tax bill, please contact us as soon as possible.

I want to make a Council Tax appeal

You can find information about appealing against your bill, your band amount, or a council decision about your Council Tax on our Council Tax appeal page.

Can I get my bill by email?

Your Council Tax bill can now be delivered by email regardless of how you pay your bill. Sign up to paperless billing online.

I need another copy of my bill

You can ask for a copy of your bill to be sent to you.