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Memorials management policy

You can read the full Memorials management policy (PDF, 407 Kb).

Memorial Policy Statement

Bradford Council is committed to providing safe, secure and appropriate memorials within its cemeteries.

We recognise the wishes of many residents to remember loved ones with a memorial but is also mindful of the diverse views of the many users and visitors to these cemeteries.

The Bereavement Service will therefore ensure that the memorial process is managed and regulated for the mutual benefit of all through this Memorials policy which is in line with the 'Charter for the Bereaved'.

The purpose of this policy is to define clear and measurable requirements for 'permanent' memorials whilst setting out a framework to deal with other forms of memorabilia within its cemeteries and remembrance gardens.

The policy will seek to adopt as flexible approach as possible to individual wishes within a broader framework of rules and regulations that are considerate of the wishes of all users