Adult Social Care Market Position Statement 2023-2025
Welcome to Bradford Council's Market Position Statement for 2023-2025.
“We want Bradford District residents to be happy, healthy and at home. We will work together to create a local place where people can make choices about their health and wellbeing.”
Our Council Plan sets out an ambitious vision for the future of Bradford District as a sustainable, inclusive and prosperous place, where every individual and community has the opportunity and skills to thrive. For adult social care there is a key priority outcome of “Better Health, Better Lives”
Our ambitions for Better Health, Better Lives include:
- We will help people from all backgrounds to lead long, happy and productive lives by improving their health and socio-economic wellbeing.
- We will strive to provide personalised health and care services to support quality of life at every stage.
- We will transform how services are delivered with a digital-first, citizen centred approach.
- We will ensure that residents in need can access services to maintain dignity and independence.
- We will continue to work with our partners in health, police and the community to keep vulnerable adults safe and secure
Our Market Position Statement (MPS) sets out the Council’s understanding of the social care market, current demand for services and our direction of travel to help us achieve these ambitions.
Why have a Market Position Statement?
The MPS is a tool to enable the Council to fulfil its duties under the Care Act 2014 to shape the local care market and ensure oversight of the market.
It can be used by social care providers to understand the future opportunities available to work with the Council to deliver a diverse range of quality services and to meet the needs of local residents.
The MPS should be read in conjunction with the specialist market briefings which are released regularly on the Commissioning Adult Health and Social Care Services pages of the Council’s website. This is a live Market Position Statement which will be reviewed and updated regularly. Any queries or feedback should be directed to
Our Market Position Statement consists of 8 Key Areas. Please use the links below to access each area: