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Service Pupil Premium West Yorkshire examples

Battyeford Primary School

We use our Service Pupil Premium to contribute towards the following:

  • Monitoring of Service children’s progress compared to the wider school population to ensure that they learn, develop and achieve their own expected level of progress
  • Intervention strategies and support are put into place to support Service children’s learning
  • The provision of a trained Teaching Assistant to provide pastoral support and guidance for families
  • The provision of external Learning Mentor Support to work with individuals to build social skills, self-esteem and develop positive attitudes to learning thus raising academic attainment
  • Membership of HMS Heroes
  • Mutual support encouraged through membership of and trips organised by HMS Heroes coordinator e.g. Plymouth Raiders, Military Youth Choir
  • Extra-curricular activities to enable Service children to take part in certain activities that may not have been available to them due to the absence of one of their key adults. This has included, going to the theatre and ‘wild in the woods’
  • Forest school activities to provide a different experience: the children have really enjoyed being able to learn outdoors and this has provided great chances to develop children’s self esteem and confidence. It also provides an outlet to provide emotional support for children who need it

As with everything we do at school the measures  put into place do make a positive difference. They help to ensure that our Service children become tolerant, caring and well rounded individuals with the skills to enable them to learn, develop and progress.

Colne Valley High School

At Colne Valley High School our Service children benefit from:

  • free revision resources
  • enhanced teaching in core for smaller class sizes
  • prioritised access to wellbeing facilities
  • online ICT revision resources

In some cases they may also receive extra level 2 courses.

Next: Letters
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