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Service Pupil Premium good practice examples

The Army Families Federation has put together a list of ways schools have used the Service Pupil Premium to support their children. Schools should consider these at their own discretion based on the needs of their individual children:

  1. Learning Support Assistant dedicated to the emotional wellbeing and academic achievement of Service children
  2. Computer equipment for Skype chat time
  3. Half-termly social events for parents and children
  4. Website page for Service families
  5. Themed visits and outings
  6. Moving-schools support including ‘My passport’
  7. After school clubs
  8. Camera equipment for photographs
  9. Welcome films made by pupils
  10. Deployment display boards
  11. Memory boxes for children moving on
  12. Homework support groups
  13. Around the world assembly
  14. Service children’s base within school, with a bank of computers for scanning school work to email parents who are away and keep them in touch

Further information on the Army Families Federation Service Pupil Premium examples can be found on the Army Families Federation website.

As the majority of West Yorkshire schools have a small number of Service children on roll, a buddy system allowing children to email or write to other Service children in their area or across the UK could be a valuable way to help children share experiences and connect with other Service children.

Other good practice examples

Reading Force

Provides books and scrap books to children when their parent has been deployed.

The Ministry of Defence

Has published a Best Practice Guide for ways to spend the Service Pupil Premium.

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