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Countryside guided walks

The purpose of this Guided Walks programme is primarily to introduce people to walking in the Bradford District. You may be surprised at the variety of landscape and wildlife to be experienced both in the countryside that we have, and in the urban areas.

The aims of the walks are to provide a safe, friendly atmosphere in which you can become familiar with the local routes, landscapes and rights of way - the first step in devising your own routes so you can explore further, or join up with one of the local walking groups.

Unless otherwise stated in the walk information, walks are free. You will however be expected to pay your own fare if your walk involves the use of public transport.

The walks will normally be paced at 2 miles per hour but will take longer on themed walks and also where there is some difficulty or where there are large numbers of walkers. All mileage is approximate. The walk guide or activity leader reserves the right to cancel or amend the walk or activity in the light of problems which may effect the safety of the walk party.

Please note: the leader reserves the right to refuse to allow any walker to join in if inadequately dressed or would clearly struggle to complete the walk.

Walkers are requested to keep behind the leader in order that a pace can be maintained for the benefit of all the party.

Approximate timings 

Mileage Approximate time
1 mile (1.6km) 30 minutes
2 miles (3.2km) 1 hour
3 miles (4.8km) 1.5 hours
4 miles (6.4km) 2 hours
5 miles (8km) 2.5 hours
6 miles (9.7km) 3 hours
7 miles (11.2km) 3.5 hours
8 miles (12.8km) 4 hours
9 miles (14.4km) 4.5 hours
10 miles (16km) 5 hours
11 miles (17.7km)  5.5 hours

*       Little or no difficulty

**     Some difficulty

***    A difficult walk

Friday, 29 March *

Calvary on Good Friday

3.5 miles Circular

Packed lunch

Meet Barbara Walker at 11am at Ilkley Manor House for a gentle walk on field and woodland paths and along country lanes, Calling at Calvary and returning via Middleton Woods.

Sunday, 21 April **

Bluebells to Primrose Hill

6 miles Circular

Packed lunch

Meet Barbara Walker at 10.30am outside Ilkley Railway Station to see some of the best bluebells in our area. Mainly good woodland and field paths, one steady climb, two short steep sections, several stiles.

Tuesday, 14 May **


4.5 miles Circular

Packed lunch

Meet Daphne Allen at 11am outside Kildwick Church (bus 66 from Keighley, with difficult road crossing). Walk mainly on field paths with gentle climbs and several stiles.

Tuesday, 11 June ***

Nesfield/ Dean Beck/ Upper Austby

6.5 miles Circular

Packed lunch

Meet Howard Lloyd at 10.30am at the Old Bridge on the river Wharfe at the bottom of Stockeld Road Ilkley for a ramble which was cancelled early in 2024 because of bad weather. This walk is on tracks, fields and paths to Nesfield thereafter climbing to Upper Austby with the promise of outstanding views of Wharfedale. Please note the start point is 15 minute walk from Ilkley rail/bus station.

Tuesday, 2 July **

Harewood's Treasure House

7 miles Circular

Packed lunch

Meet Barbara Walker at 11am at the layby on the A659 just past Harewood village. A gentle walk on good paths and parkland tracks with 2 stiles. Good views of Harewood House and maybe sightings of red kites.

Tuesday, 6 August ***

Along the Wharfe

7.5 miles Circular with Linear option

Packed lunch

Meet Howard Lloyd at 10.30am at the Old Stone Bridge over the river at the bottom of Stockeld Road Ilkley (off A65) for a walk on the Dales Way to Addingham alongside the River Wharfe and returning to Ilkley through tranquil Wharfedale countryside. The linear option (3 miles) involves returning by bus from Addingham.
Please note the start point is approximately a 15 minute walk from Ilkley rail/bus station.

Tuesday, 13 August ***

Doe Park and Beyond

6 miles Circular

Packed lunch

Meet Daphne Allen at 10.30am outside the Mechanics Institute, Denholme (bus 67 or 502 from Keighley) for a varied walk with extensive views.

Tuesday, 20 August ***

A 3 Legged Walk from Burley to Addingham via Ben Rhydding and Ilkley

8 miles Linear

Packed lunch

The walk is in 3 parts – you can join or leave at any of the following points. Meet Malcolm Gardner at either: Burley-in-Wharfedale station at 11.15am, Ben Rhydding station at 12.20pm or Ilkley Old Bridge at the bottom of Stockeld Road between 1pm and 1.30pm. Part 1 is 2.8 miles, part 2 is 1.9 miles and part 3 from Ilkley to Addingham is 3.3 miles. Mainly level walking with a couple of steep climbs and some walking on quiet roads.

Friday, 30 August *

A Little Like Janet's Foss

5 miles Circular

Packed lunch: snack

Meet Nigel at 1pm at Norwood Green (parking at Village Street before the Old White Beare public house). Round the countryside near Coley and Priestley Green.

Sunday, 8 September **

East Morton Circular

5 miles Circular

Packed lunch

Meet Barbara Walker at 10.30am opposite the Busfeild Arms, East Morton to explore the area with its cup and ring marked rocks and grouse butts. A little road walking on quiet country roads returning along Grass Road.

Wednesday, 25 September **

A Figure of Eight

7 miles Circular

Packed lunch

Meet Malcolm Gardner at 11am at Menston Station for a walk around and through High Royds, with its magnificent tower never far from view.

General information 

Public transport

Due to the remoteness of some of the walk starting points, not all walks are convenient for public transport users. However, where time and location allow, our aim is to make as many walks as possible accessible by public transport. Contact MetroLine on 0113 245 7676 or visit for full and up to date travel information.

Be prepared for the weather

Walking boots or stout shoes are recommended on all walks, wellington boots are suitable for shorter walks. Waterproofs, extra sweater, hat and gloves are best carried in a small back-pack in preference to a hand held bag.


Dogs are not allowed on any of our walks with the exception of guide dogs.

Walkers ability

Due to the very nature of the countryside, walkers may from time to time experience difficulties, whether it be a difficult stile, slippy steps, mud etc.

Food and drink

It is advisable to bring food and drinks on all our walks and activities. The amount of food you bring is of course up to the individual. However, we do recommend that for walks starting before lunchtime you bring a packed lunch.

First aid

Please note that our walk leaders are unable to provide first aid assistance or equipment on our walks.

Customer care

On all Bradford’s Countryside and Rights of Way Service Walks the leader will be assisted by a second volunteer whose job it is to look after the tail end of the party. If you are experiencing any difficulties during the walk please let the back-up volunteer know so that any necessary action can be taken. It is also important to let the back-up know if you are leaving the walk.

The Countryside Code

Respect Other People

Please respect the local community and other people using the outdoors. Remember your actions can affect people’s lives and livelihoods.

  • Consider the local community and other people enjoying the outdoors
  • Leave gates and property as you find them and follow paths unless wider access is available.

Protect the Natural Environment

We all have a responsibility to protect the countryside now and for future generations, so make sure you don’t harm animals, birds, plants or trees and try to leave no trace of your visit. When out with your dog make sure it is not a danger or nuisance to farm animals, horses, wildlife or other people.

  • Leave no trace of your visit - take your litter home
  • Keep dogs under effective control.

Enjoy the Outdoors

Even when going out locally, it’s best to get the latest information about where and when you can go. For example, your rights to go onto some areas of open access land and coastal land may be restricted in particular places at particular times. Find out as much as you can about where you are going, plan ahead and follow advice and local signs.

  • Plan ahead and be prepared
  • Follow advice and local signs.

For full details of the Countryside Code visit:

The Countryside and Rights of Way Service is constantly striving to improve its service to the community, to this end we need help from you the customer. If you have enjoyed your walk please tell your friends. If not, tell us.

Please send your comments to:

The Countryside and Rights of Way Service Manager
Countryside and Rights of Way Service
4th Floor Britannia House