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Economic Development Privacy Notice

This notice provides details of how the Council's Economic Development collect and uses information about you. For more general information about how the Council uses your information and your rights, please refer to the general Privacy Notice.

What information do we collect

For business support

  • name, address and contact details
  • reason why you have contacted us
  • details of the contacts that we have had with you
  • financial information
  • rental agreements

For externally funded projects

  • name, address and contact details of the contracted organisation
  • claims submitted by third parties, who are the data controller

Who uses this information?

Used by staff within Economic Development to maintain contact with interested individuals and organisations and to support grant applications and claims to external funders.  Information may be shared on request by Auditors for those funding bodies.

Why do we use this information?

Depending on our relationship with you, this can be used for different purposes

  • To provide individuals and businesses with the specific information, product or services they request from us and to communicate with them.  If we are contacted we may keep a record of that correspondence.
  • To provide evidence of business support provided to individuals and businesses by our business and enterprise support programmes.
  • For verification of grant claims from individuals or businesses supported by our projects and programmes.
  • To provide evidence in support of our grant claims to the external funders and their auditors.

We also use this information to monitor our own performance and to inform our future service planning.

What authority does CBMDC have to collect and use this information?

Economic Development process personal data under the following categories of lawfulness in the UK General Data Protection Regulation:

  • 6(1)(b) Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract
  • 6(1)(c) Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation
  • 6(1)(e) Processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller
  • 9(2)(g) Processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest

Who are we likely to share this information with?

We may sometimes share the information that we have collected about you where it is necessary, lawful and fair to do so. We may share information with the following groups for these purposes:

  • Other Council services - to help us carry out the functions that we need this information for, or to protect public funds – for instance, to prevent fraud.
  • Government Departments, such as Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), Department of Work and Pensions, Homes and Community Agency and Innovate UK where we have data sharing or grant funding agreements in place.
  • The West Yorkshire Combined Authority or other Local Authorities where we have data sharing or grant funding agreements in place.

How do we keep this information secure?

  • Information which is held electronically is either held in files that are held on the Council's servers or dedicated databases.  These systems are password protected and only accessible to people who need access to them.
  • Information which is held on paper is either stored in offices which are subject to access controls or in the dedicated archive provision for the Council. Where information is removed from the office for operational purposes the amount of this is minimised and staff are trained to ensure that this is kept secure at all times.

When computers make any decisions about you

Economic Development do not make or use any automated decisions

When your data gets sent to other countries

We generally do not send any information we collect about you outside the United Kingdom unless the information is collected in relation to a project funded by the European Commission.

Information may then be shared with the European Commission where it is necessary, lawful and fair to do so. You will be informed if the data we collect will be shared in this way before you provide any information to us.

How long do we keep this information?

  • The length of time that we keep information for varies depending on what we use this information for, because there are different business needs for different processes that we follow
  • Generally we will hold information for 7 years but some information, will be disposed of sooner. We also aim to remove any non-relevant information from files at the point that these are archived
  • Some information will need to be retained for longer than 7 years. In particular information relating to grant funding. This information will be retained for periods set out in the relevant European regulations, government guidance, contracts or financial regulations relating to the relevant fund. Once these time limits have been reached information is disposed of securely.

You have the right to request Bradford Council to stop processing your personal data in relation to any council service.  See our main Privacy Notice for details.

This page was last updated on :
Thu, Feb 15, 2024 at 02:37 PM

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