Hot weather advice

Most of us welcome warm weather, but when it's too hot for too long, there are health risks. In England, there are on average 2000 heat related deaths every year.

Who is most at risk?

A heatwave can affect anyone, but those most at risk include:

  • People over the age of 75.
  • People who may find it hard to keep cool – babies, young children and those who are bed bound.
  • People with serious or long term illnesses – including heart or lung conditions, diabetes, kidney disease, Parkinson's disease, dementia.
  • People who spend a lot of time outside due to their job, as well as the homeless
  • Those who live in a top floor flat, who live alone or have reduce mobility
  • People who use certain drugs, including those who misuse substances or have addictions

Check on others

Please check in on family, friends and neighbours who are vulnerable, every day during hot weather. It would be worthwhile to check that they are keeping their home as cool as possible.

Be prepared

Keep up to date with Met Office weather forecast and high temperature health warnings. And check out the Met Office’s Weather Ready campaign.

What can you do to stay safe and well?

Information from the NHS:

Stay hydrated

During hot weather it’s important to drink plenty of fluids and avoid excess alcohol, carry a bottle of water with you at all times. Did you know you can refill your bottle with free water at lots of places across the district? Just download the Refill app to find your nearest refill station.

Advice from the Government

Advice from the Food Standards Agency

Advice from the RSPCA about keeping pets safe during hot weather

Out and about

On car journeys

Ensure that babies, children, older people and animals are not left alone in parked cars, which can quickly overheat.

Water safety

It can be incredibly tempting to use rivers, canals, lakes and reservoirs to cool off during hot weather, but there are many hidden dangers and tragically every year during the summer months there is a sharp rise in the number of accidental drownings in the UK.

Take care and follow local safety advice if you are going into the water to cool down.

Wildfire risks - Be Moor Aware

Our moorland, woodland and parks are at risk from wildfire during dry weather. The impact of wildfire on these sites can be devastating and results in loss of habitat, air and water pollution, risk to people and property, release of carbon into the atmosphere, loss of grazing land and many other problems.

  • To reduce that risk barbecues, fires, fireworks, sky lanterns are not allowed, you can be fined up to £2,500 and or received a prison sentence.
  • If you see a fire or someone using a BBQ on the moorland - call 999 and ask for FIRE.
  • The #BeMoorAware campaign has information about the dangers
  • Keep up to date with the Met Office’s Fire Severity Index for wildfire risks

Information about other outdoor risks during the summer

Changes to air quality during hot weather

When the weather warms, levels of air pollution increase too. This could trigger or worsen symptoms in people with chronic respiratory conditions much like in cold weather. Keep up to date with the DEFRA Air Pollution forecast map and Breathe Better Bradford.

Please note the Daily Air Quality Index provided by the Met Office can only give advice on whether or not emergency action needs to be taken to reduce exposure from dangerously high short term levels of air pollutants, it is not designed to give longer term averages, which may also be harmful to health with long term exposure.

Saving water

Water is a precious resource. On average in the UK we each use around 150 litres every day and because water is precious, it is important to try and use it wisely.

Hosepipe bans

Information about hosepipe bans can be found on Yorkshire Water’s website.