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Controlling pollution from industry - regulation by local authorities

What is Environmental Permitting ?

The Environmental Permitting (England & Wales) Regulations 2016 require that businesses which operate specific polluting processes must obtain a permit. Larger polluting processes are permitted by The Environment Agency, but many smaller processes in the district are permitted and regulated by Bradford Council.

By law, we regulate a wide range of processes from foundries, rendering plants, concrete crushers through to others such as petrol stations and dry cleaners. This is to reduce any pollution they may cause and, in particular, to help improve air quality.

The Council decides whether to issue a permit and then sets down in writing how the pollution is to be minimised. The operator of the process must then comply with the conditions of the permit and will be subject to inspection to ensure this is the case.

How do I find out which businesses hold a permit ?

Processes permitted by the Environment Agency

These can be found at

Processes permitted by Bradford Council

How do I get a Permit or make a complaint about a Permitted Process?

For full information about the application for a permit or guidance please visit the Environmental Permits page.

For further information you can contact us.