Website maintenance

We will be doing maintenance to our website and online forms between Friday and Monday. If you have problems using our online forms, please try again later. more »

Behind on your Council Tax payments

Behind on your Council Tax payments? You may get a call, text or email from us.
These messages will allow you to pay your Council Tax to bring your account up to date, or to speak to an advisor for help with your bill. More information about messages from the Council Tax team.

If you are behind on your Council Tax payments, it's important that you get in touch with us as soon as possible.

I'd like to offer a payment

If you're behind on your Council Tax payments, it's important to keep paying as much as you can, even if you can't pay enough to bring your account up to date just yet.

If you offer to make a payment that doesn't bring your account up to date, we'll consider the amount you're offering and contact you as soon as possible, letting you know if we will accept your offer. You can make an offer to pay in one of two ways:

Can I view my Council Tax account to see how much I owe?

You can check your Council Tax balance and account online.

What can happen if I don't pay my Council Tax?

The Council has a duty to collect Council Tax and will take action to ensure payment is made on time. This is why it's so important to contact us if you're having difficulty in paying your bill.

More information is available on our non payment page. 

Can I talk to someone in the Council Tax team about my Council Tax charge?

To discuss a Council Tax recovery notice or make an arrangement to pay, please contact the Council Tax Collection Team on 01274 437792.

To notify us of an address change or to apply for a discount or exemption, please complete an online form. The Council Tax Collection Team will not process these requests over the telephone.

Where else can I get help and advice?

You can find local advice services on our debt advice page.