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Carer leave and breaks

Respite care

Respite care is usually a short stay from one to seven days stay in a residential home. People who can access this service include people who have care needs or are carers.

You may need respite care because the person who normally cares for you is going on holiday or needs a break themselves. A short break gives you the option to have your meals cooked for you and there’s plenty of company to enjoy.

Another choice for respite care could be to use the Shared Lives Scheme where you are matched up with a suitable family and go to stay with them for a night or a few days.

Shared Lives

Shared Lives offer short breaks and full time placements in the home of approved shared lives carers in the community.

Short breaks can be anything from an overnight stay to a weekend or a couple of weeks, depending on the needs of the person and their permanent carers.

Full time placements occur when the person moves in on a permanent basis with a Shared Lives carer or family.

Holibreak+ the Alternatives to Respite Service

The Alternatives to Respite Service provides innovative opportunities to take a break and take part in activities as an alternative to respite in a care home.

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