There are lots of different choices to be made and options to be considered when you reach school leaving age. Do you stay at school? Go to college? Or leave education and enter the world of work?
You can leave school on the last Friday in June if you’ll be 16 by the end of the summer holidays.
You must then do one of the following until you’re 18:
Careers information, advice and guidance can help you to make good decisions about your future. To discuss your options before leaving school, speak your personal advisor or careers advisor at your school or college.
The National Careers Service can help you to make decisions on learning, training and work at all stages in your career. Explore careers to discover what a job involves, assess your skills and match them to potential new careers or look for learning and training opportunities local to you.
The Prince’s Trust run a range of courses to build your confidence, help getting a job or start your own business.
You can get extra help to find work through the DWP Youth Offer if you are claiming Universal Credit, aged 16 to 24 and in the in the Intensive Work Search Group.
Job Centre Plus offer advice for anyone looking for work. See where your nearest Job Centre Plus is.
Skills House is a partnership in Bradford that helps connect residents of all ages to jobs, education and training.