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Executive Portfolios 2023-2024

Leader of Council & Corporate Portfolio Holder – Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe

Function and Service CMT Lead Officer Overview & Scrutiny Committee*
Office of the Chief Executive (including Strategy, Policy & Communications) Chief Executive Corporate
Transformation Programme SD Corporate Resources Corporate
Commissioning & Procurement SD Corporate Resources Corporate
Customer Services SD Place Corporate
Finance Director of Finance Corporate
Human Resources Director of HR Corporate
Information Services SD Corporate Resources Corporate
Legal & Democratic Services Director of Legal & Governance Corporate
Revenues & Benefits SD Corporate Resources Corporate
Health & Wellbeing Board Director of Public Health Health & Social Care

Education, Employment and Skills – Deputy Leader, Cllr Imran Khan

Function and Service CMT Lead Officer Overview & Scrutiny Committee*
Schools, learning & education safeguarding SD Children & Young People Children's Services
Employment & Skills Chief Executive Regeneration & Environment
SEND & Inclusion SD Children & Young People Children's Services
Performance, Commissioning & Partnerships SD Children & Young People Children's Services
Transport Provision SD Children & Young People Children's Services & Corporate
ISG – Industrial Services Group SD Corporate Resources Corporate Regeneration & Environment

Healthy People and Places – Cllr Sarah Ferriby

Function and Service CMT Lead Officer Overview & Scrutiny Committee*
Health Director of Public Health Health & Social Care
Adult Social Care (including Happy, Healthy and At Home) SD Health & Wellbeing Health & Social Care
Operational Services SD Health & Wellbeing Health & Social Care
Clean Air SD Place Regeneration & Environment
Environmental Health Director of Public Health Regeneration & Environment
Voluntary Sector Services Commissioning – Adults & Public Health SD Health & Wellbeing Health & Social Care
Sport & Leisure SD Place Regeneration & Environment
Street Cleansing SD Place Regeneration & Environment
Waste & Collection Services SD Place Regeneration & Environment
Climate Emergency SD Place Regeneration & Environment
Hackney Carriage & Private Hire SD Place Regulatory & Appeals
Fleet Transport SD Place Regeneration & Environment
Culture & Tourism SD Place Regeneration & Environment

Regeneration, Planning & Transport – Cllr Alex Ross-Shaw

Function and Service CMT Lead Officer Overview & Scrutiny Committee*
Planning SD Place Regeneration & Environment
Transportation & Highways SD Place Regeneration & Environment
Asset & Facilities Management SD Corporate Resources Regeneration & Environment
Parking – Strategic Policy SD Place Regeneration & Environment
Economic Development SD Place Regeneration & Environment
Housing & Homelessness SD Place Regeneration & Environment
Markets SD Place Regeneration & Environment
Digital SD Corporate Resources Corporate
Regeneration & Environment

Children & Families – Cllr Sue Duffy

Function and Service CMT Lead Officer Overview & Scrutiny Committee*
Children's Specialist Services SD Children & Young People Children's Services
Prevention and Early Help SD Children & Young People Children's Services
Children's Governance SD Children & Young People Children's Services
Living Well Director of Public Health Health & Social Care
Obesity Director of Public Health Health & Social Care
Child Friendly District Director of Public Health Children's Services
Executive Lead on Anti-Poverty SD Adults & Wellbeing Corporate
Children's and Young People's Mental Health SD Children & Young People Children's Services
Children's and Young People's Neurodiversity SD Children & Young People Children's Services
Corporate Parenting SD Children & Young People Children's Services

Neighbourhoods and Community Safety – Cllr Abdul Jabar

Function and Service CMT Lead Officer Overview & Scrutiny Committee*
Equalities Chief Executive Corporate
Community Cohesion SD Place Corporate
Emergency Planning SD Place Corporate
Voluntary & Community Sector Strategic Support SD Place Regeneration & Environment
Neighbourhood Services (excluding Street Cleansing) SD Place Corporate
Parking – Operational Issues SD Place Regeneration & Environment
CCTV SD Place Corporate
Licensing & Land Charges SD Place Corporate
Voluntary Sector Services Commissioning - Advice SD Place Corporate
Youth Justice SD Children & Young People Children's Services
Youth Service SD Place Children's Services
Community Safety Partnership SD Place Corporate

* Only the lead committee is indicated, others may have a legitimate interest.