Road safety

Roads are an essential part of everyday life. We all use them in some way: by walking, riding, driving, or travelling as a passenger.

Bradford Council is part of a multi-agency group that is working to make our roads safer, to prevent death and serious injury on our roads and support the people of Bradford to achieve safe and healthy journeys.

The multi-agency partnership includes key stakeholders such as West Yorkshire Police, West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue, Public Health, Yorkshire Ambulance Service and the West Yorkshire Safety Camera Partnership.

Vision Zero

To support our ambition to make our roads safer for everyone and eliminate death and serious injury we have adopted the principles of Vision Zero and the safe systems approach. You can read more about this on the West Yorkshire Combined Authority website.

We are currently drafting Bradford’s Plan for Vision Zero and we will conduct a consultation exercise following the draft release.  Please engage with us and let’s make Bradford a safe place to live, work and play. 
