Core Strategy DPD

11 Sustainability appraisal

An integral part of preparing the Local Plan is the Sustainability Appraisal (SA) process. The aim of the process is to assess the potential environmental, economic and social impact of the objectives and policies of the plans produced. The appraisal should ensure that the Core Strategy, and in time other parts of the Local Plan, contribute towards achieving sustainable development.

The Sustainability Appraisal (SA) reports incorporate a Strategic Environmental Appraisal (SEA).

The Council commissioned consultants AMEC (formally known as Entec) in 2008/9 to undertake a Sustainability Appraisal at each stage of the preparation of the Core Strategy.

Sustainability Appraisal Addendum - November 2015

The Addendum to the Bradford Core Strategy Publication Draft: Sustainability Appraisal presents the findings of the appraisal of the Proposed Main Modifications to Core Strategy Publication Draft. The first consideration was whether re-appraisal of the policy change was required, and then whether re-appraisal of the policy would lead to changes in its earlier appraisal. An appendix to the addendum presents options appraisal relating to Strategic Core Policy 8 - Protecting the South Pennine Moors SPA and the South Pennine Moors SAC and their zone of influence.

Sustainability Appraisal Report - Publication Draft (2013)

The Publication Draft has been subjected to the Sustainability Appraisal (SA/SEA) process. This considers the anticipated effects of the Core Strategy, using a range of environmental, social and economic objectives. It makes recommendations and identifies potential mitigation measures. A non-technical summary is included.

Interim Sustainability Appraisal Report - Further Engagement Draft (2011)

This Interim Sustainability Appraisal report provides further information relating to the significant environmental, social and economic impacts of the proposals in the Further Engagement Draft. It will also inform the preparation of the next stage of work on the Core Strategy Publication Draft document. This also demonstrates in compliance with SEA requirements how reasonable alternatives to accommodating development have been tested and informed the chosen approach.

Initial Sustainability Appraisal of the Issues & Options Report and Appendices (2009)

This report summarises the outcome of a more detailed appraisal of the two previous Issues and Options stages, below. The outcomes of this appraisal have influenced the development of policies in the Core Strategy Development Plan Document - Further Engagement Draft (2011).

These documents replace the earlier initial sustainability appraisals that accompanied the Issues and Options (2007) and Further Issues and Options (2008) stages.

Initial Sustainability Appraisal of the Issues & Options Report (2007) and Further Issues & Options (2008)

These reports appraise the likely impacts of four spatial options put forward as part of the Further Issues and Options consultation in 2008.