Website maintenance

We will be doing maintenance to our website and online forms between Friday and Monday. If you have problems using our online forms, please try again later. more »

How do I join the library

Anybody over the age of 16 can join the library service online. When collecting your library card you will need to bring some ID.

To join in person and and borrow up to the maximum borrowing limit you will need to show some ID from the list below which shows your current address. Please provide your email address. If you do not have an email address your telephone number will suffice.

Bring with you one of the following acceptable forms of ID:

  • medical card.
  • driver's licence.
  • Department of Work and Pensions letter – less than three months old.
  • utility bill (water, gas or electricity) or Council Tax letter less than three months old.
  • recent letter from housing agency to asylum seekers stating address.

What if I have no ID available?

If you have no acceptable ID we will ask you to complete a registration form and you will be able to join but only to borrow two books. This is also the case for asylum seekers who have an ARC card, which has photo/name and date of birth.

How do I get the maximum borrowing limit?

To borrow more than two items you must bring ID from the list above next time and complete the joining procedures.

What about children under 16?

If you are with your parent or guardian and they have their ID with them a joining form can be completed for you to be made a member. If your parent/guardian has no proof then a membership will be made, but for two items only.

If your parent or guardian is not with you, you will need to take home a joining form for your parent/guardian to sign. Once this form is returned to the library, with proof of name and address then items can be borrowed.

If no proof of name and address is provided, then a membership will be created but with a limit of two items to be loaned only.

What if I am a student or only in the district for a short while?

You will still have adult entitlement but we will require proof of both student and home address.

What if I only want to use your computers and have no ID?

Complete a joining form to become a library member, then you will be able to access the computers in the libraries.

When you sign the joining form you are agreeing to comply with our Terms and Conditions of borrowing.