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Scale of charges

Scale of charges for applications to deposit maps, statements and declarations under Highways Act 1980 Section 31(6), Commons Act 2006 Section 15 and Landowner Representation - Commons Act 2006 Section 19

Item Highways Act S31(6) Commons Act 2006 Section15A(1) Form CA16 Corrective Application Commons Act 2006 Section 19
Form CA10
Corrective Application
Correct the register – No Fee*1
Commons Act 2006 Schedule 2
Form CA13
Corrective Application – Fee Payable*2
Non-registration or mistaken registration
  Joint application £450
Multiple areas of land may require more than one application and more than one fee
Deposit of statement and map £225 £275 Nil Not applicable
Deposit of first declaration Included in the above Not applicable Nil Not applicable
Deposit of subsequent declarations within expiry period of first deposit £225 Not applicable Nil Not applicable
Application for review Not applicable Not applicable Nil £750

*1 You will be required to pay a fee unless your application is submitted under Paras 2, 3, 4 or 5 of Schedule 2. You would have to pay a separate fee to correct a mistake made by the registration authority (section 19(2)(a) or to remove a duplicate entry (section 19(2)(c). You would have to pay a separate fee if your application is referred to the Planning Inspectorate unless it is to correct a mistake made by the authority or to remove a duplicate entry.

*2 You will be required to pay a fee unless your application is submitted under Paras 2, 3, 4 or 5 of Schedule 2. You would have to pay a separate fee if your application relates to any of paragraphs 6 to 9 of Schedule 2 and be referred to the Planning Inspectorate.

Rights of Way enquiries

Please contact the Rights of Way Service.

Land enquiries

Please contact Estate Management: