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Application process

The following process should be followed when applying to hold an event:

  1. Contact the owner of the land, giving as much advance notice as possible (good practice minimum 6 months), to inquire if the land you wish to hold your event upon is available and at what cost. You will need to provide outline details of your event e.g. the type and nature of the event, dates and times, expected attendance, admission charges. This is known as the application stage and may be done via email or over the phone.
  2. If the venue or site is available and the land owner, in principal, has no immediate concerns, you will be asked to complete a booking form and agree to the land owner's terms and conditions.
    Booking forms for City Park, Centenary Square and Bradford's Parks and Recreation Grounds can be found in 'Forms to complete' 
    If your event is on the highway or requires a road closure you will need to complete a Road Closure Application Form. This is available in 'Forms to complete'
  3. Complete the booking form and return it to the land owner. The land owner will make arrangements for the payment of the hire fee. Submitting a booking form and paying the fee does not constitute permission for your event to go ahead and you will need to provide assurances to the Local Authority that you are able to ensure public safety which will be articulated in your supporting documentation, e.g. Risk Assessment, Event Management Plan etc.
  4. In addition to the venue or site booking form you are required to complete and submit an Event Notification Form to the Safety Advisory Group (SAG). This should be done in line with the completion of the venue or site booking form. To understand the role of the SAG see Safety Advisory Group (SAG).

Do I need to submit any other documents?

Your event application needs to be accompanied with the following supporting documentation:

Small scale events (e.g. Events, on or off the highway, which can be considered as being of a less than complex nature and with audiences/attendees numbering under 500)

  • A 'suitable and sufficient' risk assessment
  • Proof of public liability insurance
  • Yorkshire Ambulance medical assessment form

Large scale events (e.g. Events, on or off the highway, which can be considered as being of a complex nature - those with the potential for significant impact.  Anticipated audience/attendees numbering 500 or more, multiple elements, for example. stalls, stage, fairground rides, displays and potential crowd management issues.)

As the scale, nature and the potential for disruption increases this needs to be reflected in the supporting documentation that is submitted. The following documents are required to demonstrate that consideration has been given to ensure public safety.

  • Risk Assessment
  • Proof of Public liability insurance (Indemnity amount to be in accordance with the booking conditions)
  • Yorkshire Ambulance Service medical assessment form
  • Detailed Site Plan
  • Event Management Plan
  • Traffic Management Plan (where applicable)

In addition to the above documents, if your event is a crowded place or a location or environment to which members of the public have access, then you are advised to consider developing a Security Plan. See guidance notes on developing an event security plan (PDF).

Note: A Risk Assessment template and an example Event Management Plan can be found in 'Forms to Complete'

The Yorkshire Ambulance Service Medical Assessment form is also available to download in 'Forms to Complete'.

Why do I need to provide supporting documentation?

Event organisers have the principal legal duty for ensuring public safety. The competence of an event organiser is often demonstrated by the standard, level and detail of documentation produced which should be proportionate to the size and nature of the event. The documentation is intended to provide assurances that best endeavours have been made to ensure public safety and that all foreseeable risks have been addressed. Should a claim arise from someone attending your event, you as event organiser, will be asked to provide your event risk assessment, your event management plan and your insurance details to the claimant’s solicitor. It is in your best interests to ensure all supporting documentation is produced to a satisfactory standard.  

Timescales for submitting the supporting documentation

All supporting documentation should be submitted in accordance with the following timescales:

  • 6 weeks - 'Smaller Events'
  • 12 weeks - 'Larger Events'

Where should I send the supporting documentation?

The supporting documentation should be sent to the landowner with whom you have booked the site. It should also be sent to SAG via this email

I've submitted my documentation, what happens next?

For small scale, non-complex events it is unlikely you will hear from SAG and your application will be processed by the landowner with whom you have booked the venue/site.

For larger events of a significant size or nature that attract large crowds or that have an impact on the wider community you may be asked to attend a meeting with SAG partners to discuss your event proposals in more detail to provide assurances that you are able to ensure public safety.

Will I hear from SAG?

As a guide SAG consider larger events. You may hear from SAG if the event you are planning is considered to be ‘large scale’. You may be asked to provide more information and / or invited to attend a meeting with SAG partners to talk in more detail about your event plans.

How do I check on the progress of my event application?

To track the progress of your event application you should contact the landowner or person with whom you have booked the venue or site.

Who gives permission for my event to go ahead?

The landowner (owner of the land upon which your event will be held) is responsible for granting permission.