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Staying safe in out-of-school settings - information for parents and carers

Out of school settings. Information for clubs, organisations and providers.

As a parent or carer, make sure you ask the right questions when choosing clubs, activities or personal tuition for children. Safe after school provision offers great ways for children to develop their skills and confidence and to have fun.

We want to make sure children are happy and protected at any club or activity they attend. This page will help you ask the right questions about the checks every provider should have in place.

Ask the right questions!

Please don’t simply assume that all after school provision is safe. If you are choosing a club, tutor or coach for your child, make sure to ask these important questions:

  • Can I stay to observe a session?
  • Who will be looking after my child and what are their qualifications?
  • Who is the designated safeguarding lead and what training have they had?
  • Have all staff and volunteers had background checks?
  • Can I read your policy on safeguarding children?
  • Can I read your health and safety policy and fire escape plan?
  • How will you contact me if my child becomes ill or has an accident?
  • Who is the designated first aider and where is the first aid kit?
  • If children have access to the internet, how is it monitored?

Some things are too important to rely on trust – you have the right to check that any club or activity your children attend is safe and secure.

Good quality clubs and organisations will welcome questions about their activities, the safety of their environment and care of your child. If you are not happy with the answers to your questions, or with the building and facilities, think about sending your child somewhere else.

More guidance on choosing a safe setting for your child is available from the Department for Education.

To report concerns or for further information please contact

If a child is at risk or in immediate danger contact the police on 101 or 999.

Polish Supplementary School, Bradford

Iqra Education Centre, Keighley

Young Masters Art, Shipley